Kate's Page

Okay, we couldn't stand it. We have all these pictures of Kate starting to accumulate. We had to put them somewhere.




Kate's first time in a swing - seems to like it okay.









This was Kate's first time in a pool. She really seems to enjoy splashing around in the water.







Kate's first attempt at feeding herself. Yogurt was meant to be applied topically.






This picture was taken on the day that Kate met her Uncle Steve and Aunt Joy. Uncle Steve is on the couch with Kate. Peggy's mom (aka "Granny") is seated in the chair and Peggy is on the floor with Nessie.





Aunt Joy introducing a book to Kate.










Uncle Steve helping Kate to stand up (which is her favorite thing to do these days at almost 15 months old).










Kate meeting our neighbors, Chris, Wanda, Savannah, Bethany and Jake, their newest little one (standing next to Kate).






A portrait of Kate taken at a local department store. We bought the silk pajamas while in China.









Another portrait. The photographer really did a nice job with this one. Kate provided the cuteness.






A visit from Katie and Kerri (and their parents, Todd and Carolyn). They stopped by one weekend to meet Kate and welcome her to her new home.

(July 1998)






Kate and Kathy at a welcoming party for Kate in July 1998. Thanks to Todd and Carolyn for giving the party!








From left to right are Cara, Valerie and Kate. Debra with the pigtails is behind Kate. The girls are enjoying a tram ride at Meadow Farm Park in September 1998. Thanks to John (Valerie's uncle) for the photo.









Another shot of the girls on the tram ride. This time Cara is at the helm. From left to right behind Cara are Debra, Kate and Valerie. Thanks again to John for the photo.







Another shot of the kids on the tram ride with Cara leading the way. They look like they might be a little worried about the guy supplying the power for the tram (which was Jim). Debra seems to be saying "Hey does this guy know what he's doing?"






One of Kate's first rides down a slide (at Todd and Carolyn's house). She looks a little surprised.









An early attempt at coloring in September 1998. Fortunately washable markers really are washable.








Erin teaching Kate how to be nice to Nessie. It helps not to grab the dog's tail! Nessie and Kate have developed a symbiotic relationship, primarily at dinner time. Whatever food Kate loses to the floor instantly becomes fair game for Nessie. (September 1998)








A Sunday afternoon visit from Uncle Peter and Aunt Julie.

(September 1998)









Kate enjoying her favorite television characters - the Teletubbies. Tinky Winky is pictured. And of course, we must have Teletubbies video tapes as well! (September 1998)











Kate getting ready for a ride on Andy's shoulders at Kerri's birthday party.

(September 1998)








Another picture of Kate at Kerri's birthday party. This was her first ride in a wagon. (September 1998)







Kate practicing for the Fiona Invitational Croquet Match. (September 1998)














Kate's first visit to the mountains in September 1998 - picture taken at the Big Meadows area in Shenanoah National Park.







Here Kate is examining the vegetation at Big Meadows.










Mom and Kate, the outdoorswoman, on her first hike - picture taken in October, 1998. Note the leaf that Kate has acquired - quite the naturalist.










Another picture of Kate enjoying our visit to a mountain lodge.











Here Kate is placing a call on her Fisher-Price phone and looking mighty cool in the process. (taken during one of our trips to the mountains in September - October, 1998)









Kate's first visit to the beach - she loves it by the way. This picture was taken at Corolla, NC in October 1998.







Kate selecting an appropriate pumpkin for Halloween while enjoying the ambience of the pumpkin patch. (October 1998)







Kate and our neighbor Jake engaged in some serious horse riding at Mike and Krystal's Halloween party. (October 1998)








More pictures of Kate on Kate's Page #2







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