Kate's Page #2

There are more pictures of Kate than will fit on one page, so here is Kate's page number two.




Kate sporting a new hat made of some wrapping paper - rather fashionable, don't you think. This was taken in November 1998 at a family gathering to celebrate her baptism








The moment being celebrated - Kate's baptism. She enjoyed the water. In fact, she wanted to jump into the baptismal font after the priest had finished. (November 1998)






Kate in her baptismal dress at her celebration.











The laughing Kate, taken in November 1998. Thanks to Cary for the picture. To hear or download an audio file (.wav format) of Kate's laugh, click here.

To hear the audio file in Real Audio format, click here.






Kate watching a Manatee at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa. (February 1999)







Another picture of Kate enjoying the carousel at Lowry Park Zoo. (February 1999)








Wading at a beach near Tampa. Kate loves the water. (February 1999)










Playing in our yard at home. (February 1999)








Checking out her new swingset shortly after installation. (April 1999)










Mom and Kate checking out the swingset to make sure it is up to specifications. (April 1999)







One more swingset picture. Here Kate is testing the elevated fort. (April 1999)





Kate's second birthday party in April 1999. If it's not obvious the theme was Sesame Street. Elmo is her favorite.






From left to right are Hannah, Kate and Grace (and Nessie) finishing off the birthday cake. (April 1999)







Working on some of her dance moves at a children's concert in July of 1999. Thanks to Cary for the picture.






More pictures of Kate on Kate's Page #3





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