Hi there! Welcome! I'm TediBear, and that handsome beardude
next to me is my husband, PawBear.
You picked a great time to stop by. I just took a fresh loaf
of bread out of the oven and it's ready to be sliced. So come on in, pull up
a rock, have a seat and rest your weary paws. Pour yourself some tea,
pass the honey and let's visit a while.
Some of the graphics are links to various rooms in my cave. My teddybear pals
will let you in if you knock on the door. Or,
if you want to find out about my silly cat Heidi, just go
up there and pat her on the head.
But bee-e-e careful - don't want you to get stung!
Shake PawBear's hand and he might invite you into his den (if he's not out fishing).
Try the other pictures too! Just put your cursor on them,
if the arrow turns to a pointing hand - it's a link.
There's also a sitemap below that will guide you through the whole cave.
So go ahead - explore the cave. Don't worry about cave-ins, it's beary safe!
If you get tired come on back and have some more tea.
I'll bee-e here - keepin the bread warm!

This is a Christian cave - filled with love & joy.
...and, though I cannot always guarantee the sites I am linked to,
my cave is safe for all little bearcubs.
Click here
for a free gift.
We all need to be hugged now and then so here's a great big
cybearteddy hug just for . . . {{{{{{{{{{{{YOU}}}}}}}}}}}}

Newest Pages !
Where Are You? Click here.
Nobody Ever Told Me Click
Some of my interests include teddy bears (just in case
you haven't figured that out), crafts, pets, camping, boating,
traveling, & webchats. Not necessarily in that order.
Here inside my cave you'll find some really nifty things. You'll
also meet lots of other bears and even a few people folks.
So stay as long as you like and come back beary often cause
you just never know what old log I might turn over next.
And, next time be a sweety... bring some