Cub Scout Uniforms
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1. American Flag (comes with uniform 15. Bear Silver Arrow Point
2. Den Number 16. Tiger Cub Service Star
3. Webelos Colors ( for activity badges) 17. Cub Scout Service Star (wear only one)
4. Quality Unit Award (Most Recent only) 18. Progress toward ranks or
Webelo Compass Emblem
5. Council Emblem 19. Wolf Beads (Yellow)
6. Unit Numerals 20. Bear Beads (Red)
7. World Crest 21. Temporary Badge (wear only one)
8. Bobcat Badge 22. National Summertime Pack Award
9. Wolf Badge 23. Denner and Assistant Denner Cords
(if selected by den)
10. Bear Badge 24. Arrow of Light
11. Webelos Badge 25. Recruiter Stripe
12. Wolf Gold Arrow Point 26. Attendance Pin and Year Bar (wear only one)
13. Wolf Silver Arrow Point 27. Veteran Unit Bars
14. Bear Gold Arrow Point