Monthly Theme
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September Theme: All Aboard!

This theme helps cub scouts earn credit in:

Wolf Achievement 1B, 2A, 2C, 2E, 5A, 5B Elective 1K, 8G, 17A, 17C
Bear Achievement 3F, 4A, 15, 16B, 20 Elective 11A, 18
Badges Communicator/Citizen

Some of the purposes if Cub Scouting developed through this month's theme include

  • Strengthening the ability to get along with other boys and to respect other people. Cub Scouts will learn about different den and pack members as they learn and play together.
  • Showing how to be helpful and do ones best. As Cub Scouts start down the track to Scouting adventures, the Cub Scout Motto - Do Your Best - will become more than just words.


October Theme: Down on the Farm

This theme helps cub scouts earn credit in:

Wolf Achievement 1L, 2A, 4E Elective 1A, 4C, 8A, 11A, 12E, 15C
Bear Achievement  9b, 9c, 10a, 13a, 17b Elective  10b, 12e, 14d, 16a, 16b, 16c, 16d
Badges Showman/Citizen

Some of the purposes if Cub Scouting developed through this month's theme include

  • Fostering a sense of personal achievement be helping boys develop new interests and skills. Cub Scouts will be exposed to the world of farming and the special place it has in the lives of us all. 
  • Improving understanding within the family. Scouts will be encouraged to share experiences with the family and learn about any farming background in their family's past.


November Theme: Hometown Heroes

This theme helps cub scouts earn credit in:

Wolf Achievement  2e, 9e, 10c Elective  11, 12a, 13e, 16
Bear Achievement  3g, 8e, 11, 15b, 24d Elective  9a, 10a, 17a
Badges Craftsman/Scientist


December Theme: Works of Art

This theme helps cub scouts earn credit in:

Wolf Achievement   Elective  9b, 12e, 17c
Bear Achievement  2b, 15c, 18f Elective  9a, 9b, 11a, 11c
Badges Craftsman/Scientist

January Theme: Did you get my message?

This theme helps cub scouts earn credit in:

Wolf Achievement  4a, 4c, 12b Elective  1a, 1c, 3a, 9b, 11c
Bear Achievement  3a, 3f, 17b, 17e, 18f Elective  3, 4, 8, 11
Badges Fitness / Readyman


February Theme: Our Native Peoples

This theme helps cub scouts earn credit in:

Wolf Achievement  1j Elective  2a, 2b, 10a, 10c, 10f
Bear Achievement  18d, 19c, 22d Elective  9a, 22d, 24b, 24c
Badges Scholar / Engineer


March Theme: Dollars and Sense

This theme helps cub scouts earn credit in:

Wolf Achievement  9c Elective  4a, 9b, 12f
Bear Achievement  13b, 13c, 15c Elective  13, 17, 22b
Badges Athlete / Engineer