Boarding the Train

Excursion Train Rides

The Tentavie Schedule for Train Rides 2009

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selling souvenirs

Members sell souvenirs on the rides to help support the museum complex

Engine pulling passenger cars

WATCO furnishes the engines to pull the cars for our excursion rides



Waiting for the train

While waiting for the train to depart many people enjoy touring the depot complex

Volunteer conductors discuss safety







Day Date Event Departure/Destination Time Contact Info



April 11 Relay for Life Pittsburg/Cherokee

Depart 1 p.m.

Return 2 p.m.

WATCO office in Pittsburg
Sat. April 25 Yoder Heritage Train

Wichita to Yoder and Return

Lunch in Yoder

Depart 9 a.m.

Return 4:30 p.m.

Click here for information

Sun. April 26 Hutchinson Fiesta Train

Wichita to Hutchinson and Return

Lunch in Hutchinson

Depart 9 a.m

Return 5 p.m.

Click here for information
Sat. May 2 Clearwater Lions Club Clearwater, KS 1 Hour Round Trip

Clearwater Lions Club

201 s. 4th, Clearwater, KS, 67026

Sat. May 9 Cherry Blossom Festival Cherryvale, KS 3 One- Hour Round Trips


If no answer call back. They are unable to return your call.

Sat. June 6 Bartlesville Sunfest Bartlesville, OK 3 One-Hour Round Trips


If no answer call back. They are unable to return your call.

Sat. Sept. 5 Little Balkans Days Pittsburg, KS Depart 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. (1 hour round trip)


If no answer call back. They are unable to return your call.

Sun. Sept. 6 Little Balkans Days Pittsburg, KS/Carona, KS

Depart 10:30 a.m.

Return 3:00 p.m. approximately


If no answer call back. They are unable to return your call.

Sat. Sept. 26 Artist Alley Chanute, KS/ Humboldt, KS and return

Departure Times

10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.


If no answer call back. They are unable to return your call.

Sat. Oct. 3 Pumpkin Patch Caron, KS/ Pittsburg, KS and return

Depart 11 a.m.

Return 3:00 p.m.

Reservations required-This event always sells out weeks ahead of time.


If no answer call back. They are unable to return your call.

Sun. Oct. 4 Pumpkin Patch Caron, KS/ Pittsburg, KS and return

Depart 11 a.m.

Return 3:00 p.m.

Reservations required-This event always sells out weeks ahead of time.


If no answer call back. They are unable to return your call.

Yoder Heritage Train

Saturday, April 25, 2009

WATCO Companies, Inc, he Kansas & Oklahoma railroad, and the Heart of the Heartlands Railroad club will be hosting the Yoder Heritage Train on Saturday, april 25, 2009. This train ride will run from Wichita, KS to Yoder, KS on the K&O's Hutchinson Subdivision (former Missouri Pacific lines0 via Maize, Colwich, Mount Hope, and Haven, KS> the fare includes a full dinner (Including beverage, pie and gratuity) at the Carriage Crossing Restaurant. There will be two seatings in the restaurant: 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM. Passengers will have time to visit downtown Yoder for a stroll or shopping before re-boarding the train for the trip back to Wichita.

Boarding area on Walker Street at Osage Street (three blocks north of Harry Street between Seneca Street and McLean Blvd).

Please be on obard no later thatn 8:50 AM

Departure from Wichita promptly at 9:00 AM

Arrive in Yoder at approx. 11:30 AM

Departure from Yoder promptly at 2:00 PM

Arrive back in Wichita at approx. 4:30 PM

Fare per person (cash or check only): Train ride and full dinner at Carriage Crossing - $45.00

Checks should be made out to "heart of the Heartlands". Tickets are non-refundable. Seating is limited to 180 passengers. These historic railraoad cars are not handicapped accessible. There are limited restroom facilites available on the train. Not responsible for changes of equipment, route, schedule or cancllation (if necessary).

Tickets can be purchased at:

Engine House Hobbies

2718 Boulevard Plaza

Wichita, KS 67211


Hutchinson Fiesta Train

Sunday, April 26, 2009

WATCO companies, Inc., the Kansas & Oklahoma railroad, and the Heart of the Heartlands Railroad Club will be hosting the Hutchinson Fiesta Train on Sunda,y April 26, 2009. This train ride will run from Wichita, KS to Hutchinson, KS on the K&O's Hutchinson Subdivision (former Missouri Pacific lines) via Maize, Colwich, Mount Hope, and Haven, and Yoder, KS> The fare includes a full dineer (buffet includng desert, beverage, and gratuity) at the Anchor Inn Mexican Restaurant. Passengers will have time to visit nearby antique shops before re-boarding the train for the trip back to Wichita.

Boarding area on Walker Street at Osage Street (three blocks north of Harry Street between Seneca Street and McLean Blvd.)

Please be on board no later thatn 8:50 AM

Departure from Wichita promptly at 9:00 AM

Arrive in Hutchinson at approx. 12:00 PM

Departure from Hutchinson promptly at 2:00 PM

arrive back in wichita at approx. 5:00 PM

Fare per person (cash or check only): train ride and full meal at the Anchor Inn-$50.00

Checks should be made out to "Heart of the Heartlands". Tickets are non-refundable. Seating is limited to 180 passengaers. These historic railroad cars are not handicapped accessible. there are limited restroom facilities available on the train. Not responsible for changes of equipment, route, schedule, or cancellation (if necessary).

Tickets can be purchased at:

Engine House Hobbies

2718 Boulevard Plaza

Wichita, KS 67211

(316) 685-6608