I guess my fasination with the fair started when I aquired several items from relatives who had attended this wonderous event. This was about the same time that I began to explore my family history and jumped into the world of Genealogy. Now I've always felt that I was born too late. I've always longed to be transported back to those days. If nothing else, just to feel and see what my ancestors felt and saw. To share their hardships of that time, and their hopes for a brighter tomorrow. I think, in a way, the fair was a promise of that better tomorrow. The more I learned about my ancestors, and the Great Depression of that time, the more I came to appreciate my life today.
Well, after awhile, I discovered elongates! Now, if you're reading this, you're no doubt an obsessive penny pincher like me! You live to "smash", you live to trade, and you love to dream about 'em! Given that, I next learned that during the course of this fair, over 100 different elongates were produced! Hot damn! 100 of those puppies! WOW! All in one place! Kinda like Disneyland! So, my quest began to collect all the different elongates produced at the fair. I have listed below, some of the ones I know about.
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