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Mauget Newsletter, January 22, 2000

Page modified 01/27/00 05:19 PM

"When you go into a new place, stay by the door for about five minutes ... until you determine where you sit on the food chain." -- Louis Edward Mauget Sr: advice to nephew David Mauget, now of Fairbanks, Alaska. David says he follows that advice today.

This Month's News 

  • The Web master of J. J. Mauget Co sent me a picture of their late founder, Jim Mauget. I'll put it up here after I massage it a bit. He put my pronunciation of "Mauget" on their site.
  •   Linda (Machado ) Ogden contacted me and signed the guest book. She's my cousin that I last saw in 1966! Her mother was the late Jeanette Mauget, my father's sister. Her father was Jack Machado, a great guy to know and a friend of my father's.
  • Linda's brother, James B. Thomas, signed the guest book. I last saw him when I was about 11. I'm almost 58 now.
  • Aunt Bonnie Sparks, my father's sister, is moving from Boise, ID, to Cheney, WA (greater Spokane). That brings her into the orbit of my Spokane cousins. This is good, since Aunt Bonnie is an octogenarian.  Neoma is making one more trip to Boise to pack up Aunt Bonnie.
  • Neoma Mauget's mother Irene was earlier diagnosed with a variant of ALS -- Lou Gerhig's Disease. Wait! The latest news is that she definitely doesn't have it. It may be Lyme Disease or "treatable" MS. This is good news by comparison.

1999 Fall 

  • I traveled to Spokane, WA, for an impromptu mini-family reunion. Attendees: David Mauget (Fairbanks, AL), Milton Mauget (Fairbanks, AL), Dr. Steve Mauget (Lubbock, TX and hating it), Rich Mauget (Spokane), Neoma Mauget (Spokane), Jules Mauget IV (Spokane), Mike Mauget (Spokane), Luanne Mauget (Billings, MT), and Ed Mauget (Durham, NC -- me) where there. Aunt Peg, Christy Bowls (Spokane - Neoma's sister), and her parents attended. I'm probably omitting somebody -- sorry, don't mean to -- it was quite a crowd. David, Milton, and Steve are Uncle Joe and Aunt Peg's boys. I jumped at the chance to see them, since I don't pass through Fairbanks and Lubbock much (never, so far).
  • Had e-contact with two lost (to me) cousins, Jay and Harold Kershner (last name is a long story), sons of my Uncle Jules. I ate lunch with Harold and his wife, Bev, in Spokane. I visited Harold and Bev at their  home near Moses Lake, WA.
  • My sister Luanne Oakland's (Billings, MT) daughter, Monica Zyph moved from Billings, MT, to Raleigh, NC. I live in Raleigh/Durham so I just picked up a local niece.
  • I traveled quite a bit in my job. I had dinner with Jeannette Carlin Mahoney and her husband in Boulder, Colorado. She's one of us, descended from our common Davenport relative, Mary Carlin. She knows more about Mauget genealogy then anybody I know! She gave me some to-do's about birth dates and such that I need to finish.

Second Half of 1999 

  • We fixed up our 22-year-old house and cajoled some young people into buying it. That, plus, moving at work, working on a book, and customizing the brand-new house put a dent in this Web site. 
  • Aunt Bonnie Sparks, my father's sister, had a couple of trips to the hospital. All went well. Cousin Neoma traveled to Boise to be with her. 
  • Uncle Joe, my father's brother, took a trip to Wyoming -- or thereabouts -- and back to home in Sacramento.
  • I had several email exchanges with cousin Jim Payne, Aunt Neoma's son. 


Our six-mile move from our big house of 22 years to a cozy little tract house was probably  like most moves. We still have things in storage. The new house wasn't ready, even after we closed. Things didn't work such as the air conditioning -- it was 100 degrees outside most of the time after we moved. Some problems still arise. It was 15 degrees last night. Now some of the pipes have shown us that they can freeze. We like the new house anyway. It's four miles from work and on a little lake that has partially frozen now. Doesn't it know it's in a semi-tropical climate? What happened to that 100 degree stuff?


We live inland in North Carolina. We used to feel safe from hurricanes because they would always fizzle when they hit land. Since 1996, we've come to feel differently. This year alone, we've had brushes with three since we moved. The flooding is the worst part. Having trees falling isn't a great honor either. We sold our RV just two days before Danny hit. We'd had it parked in a definite hurricane flood zone 120 miles east of here. Six feet above sea level with a 20' surge is the norm for that area.  Danny is the 'cane that missed and then came back for another crack at NC. Floyd didn't do much to us  except scare us half to death, but Eastern NC is still in bad shape from its flooding. The climatologists say we should get used to it. They all give different reasons: global warming ... no its a periodic oscillation. Either way, they agree that it will last until I die. I like it here, but maybe we should head for the mountains.

One hurricane was named Irene, but not after Neoma's mother. Now we have a professional hockey team named -- Hurricanes. 


I'm co-authoring a computer book and hope to start another soon. No money in it, but it makes a good epitaph.  

My travel is about to start again. I've worked some of my travel to great advantage in seeing new relatives. I hope to see Linda Odgen Machado and her brother, Jim Thomas soon.

Cordially, Louis E. (Ed) Mauget,, January 22, 1999

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