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The Payne Cousins

Page updated 01/27/00 05:24 PM

James T. Payne is a cousin of the Spokane Maugets. See his comments in the guest-book. He currently resides in Annapolis, Maryland. He's hard to track because he keeps moving between coasts.

Jim and his wife, Mary, had two children: Jane Payne Wilson, and Gregory Payne (adopted). I remember that Greg was playing tournament chess when  the family lived in Palo Alto, California in the late seventies. Mary died  a few years ago.

Jim  worked as a pharmacist (a darned good one, I've heard) all of his life. He's over 75 years of age now.  I used to work in Palo Alto, California. Jim and family lived there for awhile at the same time. He and my father, Louis E. Mauget sr., were about the same age and good friends. They  visited us in San Jose together in 1977.

Jim's brother was named Robert Fredrick Payne. He was killed in the South Pacific during WW II. I remember my mother telling me about Bob when I was young. When my father died, I came across a letter from Bob Payne to him. When I dig it up again, I'll publish it here. Both Jim and Bob are / were very funny people. I think that's why my Dad and Jim got along -- my Dad was hilarious also.

Robert Fredrick Payne

Click on the image to see large (122K) version:

Bob_Payne.jpg (121449 bytes)

I remember sitting on "Aunt Neome's" lap when I was very young. Neoma Marion Mauget Payne was the mother of Jim and Bob Payne. She was my father's sister.

Jim is currently working a a Web site himself. We shall link to it from here when it's ready.

Louis (Ed) Mauget

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