Family News

Grandma's News Gazette
Grandma's little town on the Internet


Today's News:

We are proud to announce the arrival of David Matthew to our family. He came into the world on Feb. 31, 2002 Weighing 8lbs. 2.oz and 21 inches long. David also has a sister (Courtney), a half brother (Wesley) and half sister (Sierra). We are please to have this new addition to our family. Grandma will get busy and do David a website to add to our little internet town.



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Special News :

Breaking News: Grandma and Grandpa's return Home

Grandma's and Grandpa's moving plans are coming right along. We will be visiting Ohio in January to see if Grandpa can find work. We might have a good chance to transfer from Goodyear Topeka to Goodyear Akron. We are keeping our finger crossed that things work out. If that doesn't work our plans are to move back to Ohio no later than April of 2003. We will  camp at Lake Lila until something breaks loose.


Special Events:

Breaking News: New Scooter for Grandma

Grandma is checking into getting a scooter to get around on. We have checked the local Medical supply stores and found a scooter that is very nice. Insurance and the MDA will be paying for the scooter if all things go right. I am nervous that it will not happen but I can't be negative. If I am suppose to have the scooter right now the lord will provide. I think I want my scooter to be bright red.


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