Joshua Todd Hathcock
Joshua is my
little angel. Yes, even though he is now officially in the
terrible twos, I still call him my angel. He was born June
26, 1996. He weighed in at 8 pounds 15 ounces. Until we
moved to Japan, he hardly said a word. Now he has the most
amazing vocabulary. His first sentence was when he got
hungry. He asked, "Where we going?" He was mad because we
were driving away from his favorite place to eat - Burger
King. One of my favorite times with Joshua is while I
prepare a meal. He comes into the kitchen and visits with
me. He has a wonderful way of seeing the world. Sometimes I
forget to slow down and enjoy the little things. Joshua is
always there to remind me how wonderful everyday is.
Joshua loves
to test the boundries. His most resent thing is to wake up
in the middle of the night and do all those things that he
is not allow to do during the day. These things include
using kitty liter to pour all over the carpet and pretent
that it is carpet freshiner, taking all the CDs out of the
sterio and hiding them through out the house, and, his
favorite, testing the capacity of the toilet. Other fun
things he likes to do is get ahold of tools and "fix" things
around the house. Everyday is an adventure with Joshua. And,
I thank God for everyday that I am bless to be able to stay
at home with him and his brothers.
is a beautiful little boy. I hope you enjoy the pictures I
have include of him. The links are below. Just click on the
age you want to view.
Things Joshua learned in 1998
1. You
never ever pee in your juice cup and give it to mommy just
because you don't want to go all the way to the
2. If
mom won't let you do something during the day, you still
aren't allowed to do it at 4am while mom is in bed.
3. Air
freshener is not industrial size breath freshener.
4. If
you need a ladder or step stool to get something, you really
shouldn't be playing with it anyways.
5. STP
Gas Treatment is not a body moisturizer or edible. Also, it
is really slippery.
Batteries are not edible.
Carpet freshener and kitty litter are two different
8. It
is always a good idea to wear underwear or a diaper when you
play rough with the cat.
Babies do not like championship wrestling.
Repeatedly turning mommy's computer on and off makes mommy's
head explode.
11. If
you store you money in the VCR, you never get your money
12. If
you test your boundaries in public, you find your self
confined in the car.
The toilet can not swallow large amounts of toilet paper at
a time. This hold true for toys too.
Painting the wall with mommy's make up is not cool.
Cats are picky. They don't like being picked up by their
16. If
you are going to fall down the stairs, try not to do it
right before a box bigger than you are falls down the stairs
The best plan is not one that anyone would suspect. It is
always best to come up with new and creative things.
He had
a busy year. :) Being a little boy is hard work.
