Jeremy Tyler Hathcock


Jeremy is my oldest son. He was born August 9, 1993 at a weight of 9 pounds 14.6 ounces. The day he was born was an amazing day. It was windy, rainy and the hottest day on the books in Tucson, Arizona where he was born.


Jeremy is an absolutely amazing child. The first time I saw him, I feel deeply in love with him. He was the roundest chunk of baby. And, the boy loved to eat. The nurses at the hospital spoiled him. And, he has been spoiled everyday since.


Jeremy is a great big brother. Even though he goes on an older child power trip every once in a while, he loves his little brothers. If he had his way, he would be the big brother to 12 sibblings. After Jarrett was born, he asked when we were going to do it again and get him a sister. He once told me that he really wanted twins and we should keep going until we got them. After I stopped choking, I explained that that just wasn't going to happen.


Jeremy's favorite things include anything having to do with a ball, going to play areas and playing with other children, chasing his cat, watching cartoons, building things, making PB and J sandwiches, talking on the phone to anyone that dares to call, playing video games, telling other people what to do while they play video games and laughing at me when I play his video games.


Within 12 hours of Jeremy's birth, we found out that he was a very sick little boy. We ended up staying in the hospital for 11 days. He contracted a Group B Strep infection during birth. This is a life threatening ilness. If you are pregnant or know someone that is, please check out the link below to learn more about it and how to prevent it. We were very fortunate that Jeremy fully recovered because of early detection and good medical care. The worst part of it was that it is completely preventable. When I was pregnant with Jeremy, I was not tested for Group B Strep. I can't stress enough how important it is to be test and treat if need be during labor. There is nothing like seeing your child very sick in the hospital and not knowing what the outcome will be.

Click her to read more about Group B Strep

Click her to see how Jeremy has grown compaired to his brothers

I have included Jeremy's album below so you can see him grow.

Birth to 1 year old

3 years old to 4 years old

1 year old to 2 years old

4 years old to 5 years old

2 years old to 3 years old

5 years old to 6 years old