Why Send an E-Card?

We ask that you submit your request by e-card for two reasons:

  1. Many non-profit agencies provide free e-card services to bring people to their site, which may bring about more awareness. Some also have sponsors that make contributions for every card sent. So, when you send a card you're suporting a good cause.
  2. It is our hope that once you see how easy and beneficial this is to you, the receiver and the organization, you will make it a regular habit of sending e-cards to friends and family. At the very least making someone smile is a very worthy cause indeed. : )

Some Non-Profit E-Card Service Providers:

Ability OnLine Support Network: This is not a general e-card system. These e-cards are for you to send to children with disabilities or chronic illness. Please, take the time to send one.

Adoption.com: A site for parents wanting to adopt and adopties who are searching for birth parents.

American Lung Association: These are actually christmas seals e-cards but you can send them to us all year around. :)

Blue Mountain Arts: supports the rights of artists, The United Way, and Colorado Shakespeare Festival.

CJ's Specialities: Christian e-cards, chat, message board and more.

CyberPanda: Help save the pandas!

E-Cards: suports the World Wildlife Fund.

E-Prayer E-Cards: Christian e-cards.

Magic Stream: A wealth of information about child abuse, depression, emotional wellness, and so much more.

Multi Religion E-Cards: Just as it says.

NARSAD Artworks postcards: The National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression.

Send a Free Holy Card: Catholic e-cards.

Star Praisers Postcards: Helping to point our children in the right direction.

E-Mail Your Requests to: e_a_n@hotmail.com

Dear members and members-to-be,
This list is too short! Please, e-mail or e-card me with the URL of your favorite non-profit e-card service provider.
~Kat : )

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