Winner List
Congratulations to all the winners of Cali's Choice Award! Cali has such a wonderful time visiting their pages! If you want to apply for Cali's award, click here. 
The Cat Page 
A very nice cat page with memorial pages, poems, and cat photos. 
Animal Owners United 
Our page is an informational page for animal owners. We want to keep you informed, so you can keep your pets. You will have to visit our site to see what we mean. :-) 

Baby the Wonder Kitty's Playhouse 
Come visit and play with "Baby" - a happy, frisky Southern Californian kitty! 

Cat Lovers' Page 
Cat Education for Humans! ...and lots of other fun stuff! 

Nicolette's Place, the puuurfect place for kitties! 
About Nicolette, the real cat. She has redesigned her pages, so give her a visit. 

Sarah's Playgroup 
A great site about a cute kitty called Sarah, also include contests, stories and picutres. 

3 Good Cats - Kelly, Lizzie and Caitie-Belle 
Kelly is young, strong, and handsome, and he adopted us.  Lizzie is young, sweet, and pretty, and we looked at dozens of cats before choosing her.  Caitie-Belle is a beautiful calico who was rescued from neglect, and she now shares our home and our love. 

Catnip Calico's Popoki Corner 
Lots of cat information, free animal graphics, stories, humor, fun and much more! 

Spynke & Wea's Homepage 
Visit Spynke and Wea on their homepage, cute animantion and great stories! 

The CatNippers Page 
"It's about us, Ned and Alex. Come let us tell you about ourselves and see our ninja page.(Don't be afriad we're not as mean as we look!!) We also have some good links, check them out." 

Handsome Dude Sam 
Ragdol kitten with an attitude 

Kika's Homepage 
A fun page with cat info, jokes, pictures and a cat of the week contest 

This homepage is the most compelet and the biggest referring point for Korat breeders, owners and lovers of the whole world

The Cat's Meeoow 
Great page with cat info, stories, pictures. A page well put together with great graphics. 

Aussie Cat Page 
About a cat named Rustinail and his past friends. 
Aussie Cat Page Banner 

Ms Crane's love of Cats! 
"My homepage featuring my four kitties! Lots of photos...a quote and a poem page...a book review photo album!" 

Pets & Pals 
"Pets and Pals is a labor of love. It is all about my many cats and my dog." 

"This is a page all about me and my pets. I have two cats and a puppy. Come see their pictures."

Much Ado About Cats
"My site is all about my cats, and it's told from a cats point of view. It's also contains various cat related links."

Nalleman's Homepage
"I'm a british shorthair in my best years...I'm a bit new at this with the internet and stuff, but I do as good as I can. I've got pictures, stories and lots of other stuff... Come and see for yourselves!"

Enchance the root of your inspirations
"Nature is the source of many of our inspirations, and to be the beauty of our creations, it has to be enchanced by the hand that marvels it."

Chummelang's Amazing Flying Catpage
"This is my page dedicated to cats. It also provides some usefull or funny links, as well as links to the pages of my two fur babies."

Kuddly Kitty Cats
"My page has what I believe about unicorns, wicca, and a lot about cats. I know quite about about their health, and training. My site is still under construction."

The Brat Pack Homepage
"Our page is about cats and the cats we have. We do not have pics yet but are working on it. We do have links but we have more to it than that."

Maine Coon Cattery - The Laughing Ghost
"We have a little Maine Coon Cattery in Germany with 1 male and 5 female cats, but we only breed with 2 of them. The others we took only in for our friend. Also we have 3 housecats and a dog. I´ve done very hard to get an interesting, informing and pretty shown site with a lot of photos in english and german for those who loves cats and especially Maine Coons. Please come and take a look! "

Oliver's Place

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