For Cats

Aries | Taurus
| Gemini | Cancer |
Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio
| Sagittarius | Capricorn
| Aquarius | Pisces
(March 21-April 20)
A real swashbuckler
of a cat with a lot of energy, drive, and daring. Aries cats love being
where the action is and will not back away from a fight. With a strong
sense of self and a me-first attitude, they hate standing on the sidelines
and will try to dominate others around them. Spontaneous and impatient,
they are first at the food dish, and the toms are first in line for the
(April 21-May 21)
A cat who loves the
good things in life--a soft cushion, a special place of its own, and gourmet
dinners. Laid-back, adagio, and very sensual, Taurus cats choose food,
stroking, and massage. So much "good stuff," however, could lead to, well,
pudge. Taurus cats are possessive of the things they love, and they can
be stubborn. Once habits are acquired, they're hard to break, so train
these cats early.
(May 22-June 21)
A curious and playful
cat who doesn't want to miss a trick. Gemini cats are alert, clever, quick-witted,
and interesting in everything. Variety is the spice of their lives; they
choose a little of this and a little of that--but not too much of one thing.
They are great communicators and usually enjoy "talking" (or talking back)
to whoever is around. Concentration is not their strong point.
(June 22-July 23)
The homebody of the
cat world. Cats born under the sign of Cancer love the security of a warm
hearth (or a warm bed). They are sensitive and can be somewhat shy and
moody, but they will purr with pleasure at a little TLC. Queens make good
mothers, and toms like to be mothered. They love the night hours, and,
in their own quiet way, they are very tenacious about getting what they
(July 24-August 22)
Truly "the cat who
would be king." The Leo cat is proud, regal, and dramatic. Leos like center
stage and usually get it. They love flattery and having a fuss made over
them. Their vanity, however, will not tolerate belittling, and if you ever
make fun of them, they might just go off to seek an appreciative audience
elsewhere. But given their royal "due," they will be the happiest and most
loving of cats--and lord it over you with the greatest aplomb.
(August 23-September 23)
A very intelligent
and discriminating aristocrat. Virgo cats demand only the best and look
down upon anything or anyone who is less than perfect. No dirty litter
boxes or day-old food for these connoisseurs--they keep themselves neat
and clean and expect their environments to be kept the same way. Virgos
have a sense of what seems "right" and can become nervous if things are
not "just so." If you win the approval of this cat, you've been bestowed
the greatest of compliments.
(September 24-October 23)
Unhappy alone, a good
friend to all. Cats born in Libra need interaction with others--felines,
humans, or even Fido. Usually very beautiful, they have a refined nature
and a love of peace and harmony. Too much discord and loud noise can mean
nervousness and misery for them. Libra cats often have trouble making up
their minds, like whether or not to go out while you stand there with the
door open. But they are so charming and attractive that most humans are
happy to be a part of their lives.
(October 24-November 22)
The animal of sensuous
magnetism. The Scorpio cat is intense, passionate, and mysterious. Scorpios
have strong desires and expect to get what they want. They will size up
a situation instantly, and they can seduce you into doing whatever they
want and have you think it was your idea. In fact, they can push your buttons
so expertly that you will enjoy being manipulated. But don't cross swords
with them -- you are sure to lose!
(November 23-December 21)
A live wire with a
yen adventure. Sagittarius cats are always ready to explore what's just
around the corner or go out to conquer a new world. Very athletic, they
will delight you with acrobatic feats and yowl loudly if their needs for
exercise and activity are not met. Yet as they get older, they will develop
a philosophical bent and prefer to sit on the front porch and contemplate
where they have been and what they have done.
(December 22-January 20)
The status-seeker.
The Capricorn cat wants to climb to the top--so watch out for your curtains
and look for these cats on the top of furniture or shelving (as close to
the ceiling as they can get). Capricorns are serious, cautious, deliberate,
and determined, and they work heard at whatever they do. They even work
hard at playing! Somewhat insecure, they thrive in a positive environment
and appreciate warmth and attention, although they usually won't admit
(January 21-February19)
The original "KrazyKat."
Aquarius cats are unpredictable, and that's how they like it! Just when
you think they're your best friends, they become remote and detached, looking
down at you from a distant perspective. Independence and individuality
are their watchwords. With a strange electricity in their nature, they
may appear downright "flaky" at times, and they often can't resist rebelling
against what is expected or upsetting the status quo-just because. Yet
the Aquarius cat is friendly and generally tolerant of your foibles.
(February 20-March 20)
A sweet and dreamy
cat who finds it easy to "make-believe." The Pisces cat can spend a lot
of time entertaining both itself and you with imaginary scenarios. Deeply
sensitive both physically and emotionally, their hearts yearn for total
oneness with you (on their terms, of course). Their taste usually runs
to seafood, and a little water is less likely to bother them than most
members of the feline species. Be aware of what you are feeling when you're
with a Pisces cat because they are very impressionable and tend to absorb
your moods!

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