Advanced Genetics

Mouse Housing
Mouse Genetics
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Breeding Mice

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Mouse Food and Housing

Mice are realatively easy to care for. They eat seeds, nuts, small amounts of fruit and vegetables. Hamster and gerbil foods found in stores are good for feeding mice but try to find ones that don't have very many sunflower seeds in them. Sunflower seeds contain alot of oil as do peanuts, which isn't very good for mice in large quantities.

You should feed mice about one teaspoon to one tablespoon each per day. They should also have fresh water available at all times. A gravity fed water bottle is the best way to go because dishes of water can become soiled in a matter of hours.

For the bottom material(substrate), you shouldn't use cedar bedding because it contains oils in it that are toxic to mice. If you use cedar bedding the mouse's entire life you will find that the mice will have trouble breathing and will be sneezing alot. This will also happen if you use pine shavings but will just take longer to affect the mice. You may be able to use pine if you have a very open cage so that the oils can escape. You would be better off in using aspen shavings, because aspen is a hard wood and doesn't have these oils.

You should also give the mice some toys(especially if they live alone) and wheels and so on for them to play with because with nothing to do your mouse will sleep all the time and become fat. If you plan to get a mouse or already have one you should have atleast two mice in a cage because they are very social animals and like the company of other mice. Besides keeping eachother company they will also help in grooming eachother.