Brenda's Faith

Being of the Catholic faith demands a lot but
its a small price to pay for the rewards I enjoy
and the many more that I know will come.

Jesus said to his disciples,
"If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself
and take up his cross everyday and follow me.
For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it
but anyone who loses his life for my sake, that man will save it.
What gain then,is it for a man to have won the whole world
and to have lost or ruined his very self" Luke 9:22-25

Our Holy Mother Mary, Handmaid of the Lord
"do whatever He tells you"
John 2:5-6

When I was blessed with two beautiful children,
I decided that whatever happened I would guide them towards the Lord
and help them in all ways in the knowledge of His presence
in their everyday lives. So started my thirst for more knowledge
and encounters with my Roman Catholic faith.

Veritas, is a web site of the Archdiocese of Singapore.
It is linked to several other Catholic sites in Singapore
and around the world. Some of my favorite sites are linked to Veritas.

Church of St Mary of the Angels

The parish church that my family and I belong to, is a ten minute walk
or a three minute drive from our home. My children attend catechism classes
here and Sara-Ann is in the children’s choir of the 10.30 am mass on Sundays.
We are usually in St Mary’s all Sunday morning at different activities.

Children, a blessing from God are on loan to us
by our Heavenly Father, so we must take tender care
of our precious charges, lest they be led astray.
We have to be alert and vigilant in the upbringing
and care of our children and teach them to know,
love and serve our God for that is what He would want us to do.

A Mother's Prayer to the Guardian Angels of her children

I humbly salute you, O you faithful, heavenly Friends of my children! I give you heartfelt thanks for all the love and goodness you show them. At some future day I shall, with thanks more worthy than I can now give, repay your care for them, and before the whole heavenly court acknowledge their indebtedness to your guidance and protection. Continue to watch over them. Provide for all their needs of body and soul. Pray, likewise, for me, for my husband, and my whole family, that we may all one day rejoice in your blessed company. Amen

Jesus said (Matt 19:14)

"Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

While surfing the net last year,
I came across an article written by a physician
on the Crucifiction of Jesus Christ. The article left
a deep impression on me and I have shown it to several
friends on whom it had the same effect.

It left me terribly aware of what our Lord sacrificed for us
and how unworthy we are of a love as great as His. The agony
of Jesus took place so long ago that we find it hard imagine
what it was like for him.

Now I just need to look at the article and it makes me aware
of my own short-comings and what our Lord went through for us.
It always leaves me with the thought that I must try harder to
live the kind of life that God created us for.

That is what is really required of us, making the biggest
effort and struggling to achieve what God wants for us.

Over the weekend,
while attending a church based activity, I learnt a new hymn.
Although I cannot put the music to it here, I'd like to share
the lyrics which are so meaningful and really is everything
that describes our Lord.

Do You Know My Jesus ?

Have you a heart that's weary ?
Tending a load of care ?
Are you a soul that's seeking
Rest from the burden you bear ?

Do you know my Jesus ?
Do you know my Friend ?
Have you heard He loves you ?
And that He will abide till the end ?

Who hears your disappointments ?<
Who hears each time you cry ?
Who understands your heartache ?
Who dries the tears from your eyes ?

Here's an unexpected award I received,
from a beautiful site.

Links to other sites on the Web

Mary Queen of the Angels
Quilts, Quilts, Quilts
Back to Brenda's World
Children of God
God's Trees

You Are My


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