Links & Resources
Chronic Pain/Illness Sufferers

I was so thrilled to find some wonderful resources
when I first got on the Internet. So I want to
share some of them with you


Here are some great webpages written
by sufferers of Chronic Illness and Pain

Visit Annie's Page for Chronic Pain Sufferers

Rise & Walk

"RSD Awareness"
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy is a painful disorder that
affects nearly 6 million people. It often goes undiagnosed,
which only aggravates the problem. Karen suffers with
this disorder and she has done a wonderful job
at putting together the information in "laymens" terms.


Gill has a wonderful site for another kind of "pain":
Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia.
This is a wonderful Christian website
that has been written with wisdom and love


This is another wonderful site written
"to the heart" of every Chronic Pain Sufferer
"The Ministry of Pain"


 Spina Biffida

Two out of every 1000 children are born with
this birth defect. I was one of them in 1965.
For more information about SPINA BIFIDA follow
the webring or visit the following sites


This Spina Bifida Web Ring site is owned by
Denice Whitaker
Want to join theSpina Bifida Web Ring?
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"Understanding Spina Bifida"
By "The Easter Seals Foundation"

Laura Eckstein's HomePage
This site is about a beautiful, brave little
girl and her life with Spina Bifida


 I am also an amputee
The hardest news I ever had to accept 
was that I would loose my leg. But
having friends, family and lots of 
great resources have made it much easier
than I ever expected

A wonderful On-Line Support System


Gracie Rosenberger's Story
She's an Amputee That has
achieved some amazing
athletic accomplishments!


"Life With Fibromyalgia"
Read this article written
by a very dear friend

A wonderful imformative site for
sufferers of FIBROMYALGIA


FMS Ring
This Fibromyalgia Ring site owned by .

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Want to join the ring? Click here for more information.
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This is a wonderful resource to help you
get the HELP that you need and deserve!

A wonderful Resource for ALL
Kinds of Assistive Devices


A service ministry for people who
live with chronic illness or pain.


Check back occasionally.
I will add links as I find them.
If you feel that your site should be listed here
Send me an e~Mail

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