Gosh --- Where do I start? Well Christa always was a charmer. She had some health problems in her earlier days, but Thank God, now she is fine. When Christa was little she won a couple of Pretty Baby Contests.. *smiles*. We still have her trophies. In 1989 Christa won Junior Miss Minto. Another nice surprise. All during Christa's school years she had many friends, and it seemed that our house was the gathering spot. Of course we did not mind. We knew where she was. Christa was always very involved in sports, and different activities in school. Unlike her Mother who shied away from those things. These past few years in school have been very busy for Christa. As usual she got herself involved. She was part of the Cheerleading Squad, Coached the Jr. Varsity Basketball Team, in this past year she was elected Senior Class President, and is actively involved in the Safe Grad and Year Book Committees. Christa participates in all kinds of Fundraising Activities, and of course just very recently had the honor of being crowned Miss Minto. And quite an honor that is. We are very proud of her. Christa will be continuing on to the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton where she will be aiming for her degree in the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. Christa's goal is to become a Physiotherapist. We know that she will accomplish this. We have great faith in her.
Well it has happened..Graduation is over. Christa did very well
She looked beautiful of course, her speach went off without a hitch,
And she received 3 Awards to help further her Education.
We are just so proud of her.
And now.. for the big question.. how did Mom do?
Well even I was proud of myself.
I even acted like a big girl and did not cry *smiles*
Here is a Poem that I have written for Christa..
So far she has not had the courage to read it..
She will soon.