I am very pleased to hear that my name means
Beautiful. Now talking about myself, could be
interesting. I could say all kinds of things,
but to be fair I guess you would have to ask my
friends. Now I suppose you want their names?
I will have to think about that one.
I am 46 years old, and I live in New Brunswick,
Canada. As for my Family, they are featured on
another page. Also check out some pictures of
my Daughter Christa.
I work for the Provincial Government and have
been there for 27 years. Yes a long time. I
started right out of High School. A lot of
things have changed in the past 27 years.
Both at work and my personal life. The changes
at the Office are both good and bad. Of course
we all want the good, but the bad we learn to
live with. Everyone experiences that in the work
force. I am sure you have as well.
As for the personal life, there is so much
I could write about. I was first married at the
age of 19. My first child, a son (Jeffrey) was
born when I was 23. Jeffrey only lived for 8
hours. He was born with a rare heart condition.
Seven months later I was again expecting another
child. During my seventh month of pregnancy my
husband was killed in a car accident, along with
3 others. Terrible tragedy in our small town.
Thank God to wonderful family and friends, we
all managed to get through this. Two months
later my daughter Christa was born, weighing
9 lbs.9 ozs. My pride and joy, still is now
and always will be. Personally, I think some things tend to
make people stronger. The past was rough but
I got through it. Sad thing is it happens
to a lot of people and some are not as lucky
as myself.I am now married again and with Step
Children. My family has grown tremendously.
My daughter is now finishing her 4th year at University.
To get to the lighter side of me. I guess
I would say that I am a friendly person. I
hope that I am likable Ha Ha . I love
meeting people, love to laugh, love having
a good time. I have to admit I am a softie,
and wear my heart on my sleeve at times.
Bad habits ::: Yes I have some. Do I
have to list them? Nahhhh I never
did catch onto smoking. I tried it once
but burnt my eyelashes when I was younger.
Guess I thought then that smoking was not for
me. Drinking, Yes once in awhile, I do have to
admit. Cursing,, hmmm Depends on the day :o))
Good things ::: Well I do love to write,
read, knit, play on my computer of course
love my friends, and just loving people
in general.
Well I think that I have yapped enough.
I will let you continue on. Was very
nice meeting you . I hope you come back
again. Some day I may be real brave and put
a picture of myself in here. Until then,
Bye Bye.