Hamilton Family in Scotland.
The Hamilton family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of Scotland between the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Hamilton family traces their ancestral roots back to Norman origin, and first appeared in ancient medieval records in Renfrewshire .
The HAMILTON Family Coat of Arms can traces its roots back to ancient times where it was carried onto the battlefield with honor and chivalry
to defend family, allies, King and country. From The HAMILTON History
The notable HAMILTON family is shown in the ancient manuscripts and cartularies as tracing their ancestry to Norman origin.
The most ancient HAMILTON family Coat of Arms was recorded between the 12th and 15th centuries. HAMILTON Shield: Red with three fiveleafed flowers in ermine. HAMILTON Crest: A green tree with a saw going through it. HAMILTON motto: "Through"
Hill Family in England.
The Hill family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of England between the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Hill family traces their ancestral roots back to Norman origin, and first appeared in ancient medieval records in Worcestershire . HILL Shield: Ermine a silver sash of honour with a three towered castle on it. HILL Crest: A three towered castle. HILL motto:" Avances"
Stenhouse Family in Scotland.
The Stenhouse family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of Scotland between the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Stenhouse family traces their ancestral roots back to Pictish origin, and first appeared in ancient medieval records in Stirlingshire . STENHOUSE Shield: Silver on a blue stripe between three pigeons, a tiger's head between two stars. STENHOUSE Crest: A dog's head with a martlet in its mouth. STENHOUSE motto: "Fortis Et Fidelis" Clan Information
Through the centuries the STENHOUSE family was affiliated with many different clans through marriage.
The clan BRUCE claims the STENHOUSE family as a sept or directly affiliated family, entitled to clan rights including the use of the clan tartan.
The notable STENHOUSE family is shown in the ancient manuscripts and cartularies as tracing their ancestry to Pictish origin.
The most ancient STENHOUSE family Coat of Arms was recorded between the 12th and 15th centuries
"Descendants of Andrew STENHOUSE""Descendants of Andrew STENHOUSE" Andrew STENHOUSE +Sophia MOODIE (This is part of my Hamilton Family.) Revised August 05, 2006
Neesom Family in Scotland.
The Neesom family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of Scotland between the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Neesom family traces their ancestral roots back to Pictish origin, and first appeared in ancient medieval records in Fifeshire. NEESOM Shield: Silver with two red horizontal bars.
Mather Family in Scotland.
The Mather family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of Scotland between the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Mather family traces their ancestral roots back to Pictish origin, and first appeared in ancient medieval records in Kincardineshire . MATHER Shield: Blue with two gold bars at the top a seashell between two stars. MATHER Crest: An eagle. MATHER motto: "Fortiter Et Celeriter"
Neesom Trees..Descendants of Lander Neesom, Descendants of Thomas Richard Neesom, Descendants of Arthur Neesom, Descendants of Edwin Neesom (My family line), Descendants of William Neesom +Mary Mason, Descendants of William Neesom +Elizabeth Allport.
12 Generations of Gunnings (14 if you count myself and my kids) back to 1569, more when we go back to 1437. John Goulstone's booklet "The Gunnings of Cold Ashton in Gloucestershire, England" gives alternate spellings and traces back to 1216.
Alternate spellings: (in Bristol) 1216: Godewyn, Gundewine, Gundwyne, 1260:Gundwyn, 1608: Gundevine, 1610: Gunwin, 1613: Gunwinn, 1624: Gunwyne. In 1548, there was a Thomas Gonnyng, 1581 a Henry Gonning, in 1610 a Robert Gunninge. He also mentions..."The doubtless related Gunning family of nearby Cold Ashton is reasonably well documented since the med 15th. Century. Three successive generations seem to be covered by the Cold Ashton manorial court rolls published in volume 9 of the "Gloucestershire Notes and Queries".
Gunning Family in England
The Gunning family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of England between the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Gunning family traces their ancestral roots back to Anglo Saxon origin, and first appeared in ancient medieval records in Surrey. GUNNING Shield: Red with three doves and three crosses. GUNNING Crest: A dove holding a crozier. GUNNING motto: "Imperio Regit Unus Aequo"
Descendants of John Gunning(he made his will 27 Feb 1569-70) +Dionisia)
Other Gunning family TreesDescendants of David Gunning ( presume from the USA), Descendants of William Gunning of Ireland 1755 +Jane Akis
Genealogy Report for Descendants of Thomas Gunning & ALICE BRYANT of Torneys Ct. (died 1603)
My connection to the Davies family, is my Gr-Grandmother, CATHERINE LOUISA2 DAVIES (JOHN1) was born 1864, and died 1918 in Mold, Flintshire, Wales.
She married LUTHER MARTIN GUNNING (my Gr-Grandfather)04 Jun 1883 in English Wesleyan Chapel , Mold, District of Holywell, Flintshire, Wales.,
son of GEORGE GUNNING and HESTHER STONE. He was born 1865 in Mold, Flintshire, Wales, and died Abt. 1938 in Argoed, Wales.
Davies Family in Wales.
The Davies family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of Wales between the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Davies family traces their ancestral roots back to Welsh origin, and first appeared in ancient medieval records in Flint . Clan Information
Through the centuries the DAVIES family was affiliated with many different clans through marriage.
The clan DAVIDSON claims the DAVIES family as a sept or directly affiliated family, entitled to clan rights including the use of the clan tartan . From The DAVIES History
The notable DAVIES family is shown in the ancient manuscripts and cartularies as tracing their ancestry to Welsh origin.
The most ancient DAVIES family Coat of Arms was recorded between the 12th and 15th centeries. DAVIES Shield: Red on a silver diagonal stripe a black lion. DAVIES Crest: A lion's head. DAVIES motto: "Heb Dhuw Heb Ddym, Dhuw a Digon".
Austin, Bland, Crabb, Gerrard, Lane, Lunt, Perkes, Pickering, Shaw, Smith.***NOTE: Perkes family has a ton of surnames. Please see the PERKES / LUNT GED. and the Perkes Family Organization website.
Perkes Family in England.
The Perkes family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of England between the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Perkes family traces their ancestral roots back to Norman origin, and first appeared in ancient medieval records in Kent . PERKES Shield: Silver with a black lion rampant. PERKES Crest: A right hand holding up a black cushion. PERKES motto: "Semper Paratus"
Lunt Family in England.
The Lunt family can trace their ancestors back to the ancient territories of England between the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Lunt family traces their ancestral roots back to Anglo Saxon origin, and first appeared in ancient medieval records in Yorkshire . LUNT Shield: Eight alternate pie slices of silver and red with three gold covered cups and a black stripe at the top on which there are three discs LUNT Crest: A red lion holding a white disc with a red cross on it. LUNT motto: "Semper Fidelus"
"PERKES/LUNT GED."Descendants of John Perkes - 1883+Sarah Jones, Descendants of Arther James Lunt ++Florence Annie Pickering, Descendants of Harry Edward Bland 1876 - 1958 +Rosanna Smallwood 1880 -
Peterborough Wall of Honour to Remember and Honour those men and women who were enlisted In the armed forces during World War I, World War II, and the Korea War.
The Story of...The Kilt Pin, The Claddagh Ring,Shamrock Pin, Tara Brooch, The Celtic Cross,The Leprechaun (The Irish Clutch pin Collection)and Keltic Legends,so far! UDATED JUNE 12, 2006
Genealogy Links Tons of great links to help you with your research.
Stonehouse: Historical and Traditional by Robert Naismith, J.P. FSA Scot 1885 - transcription in process - will do lookups.Stonehouse Census - 1841 through 1881 - will do lookups also.
Accessdome.com, My life with Coates disease, Coates (Coat's) diseaseInfo page, Coates disease Blog by Liz Carpenter, Information about Scoliosis a back problem, Tenosynovitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Calcaneal spurs, Deviated Septum & Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)
This is a photo of me, taken in 1969, in my "Welsh" costume. (I'm wearing a black wig!) My Mum made the costume, and I bought the hat in Llandudno, Wales.
This is a pic of myself and my Mum taken in 1969, in England.
This one is of my brother, Bob, taken in 1969, in England
This one is of my son, Alan Gerrard, taken in 2001. His sister gave him the Irish shirt and hat. I crocheted the Shamrook on the door for St. Paddy's Day!.
This one is of the street sign at the corner where we live.In our area, there is London st; Edinborough st; as well as a ton of other British names.