Peace in the Valley
Imagine lush meadows, a gentle creek rippling over the pebbles. Trees softly singing in the gentle breeze and the playful scampering of Cairns and Westies after Mother Nature's critters -- surely this is "Peace in the Valley", Ozark Style.

Eagles and herons screeching down the creek searching for prey are of particular interest to the Brittanys as they run the tree lines along the creek and the glade walls and pastures of the valley that are the sanctuary of Glenn, Linda, and Sno Cooley -- home of Sno-Kris Cairn Terriers, West Highland White Terriers, Brittanys, and Fox Creek Missouri Fox Trotter horses.

After their mysterious quest for what Mother Nature has instilled in every fiber of their being, time-out is called for in a quiet snooze under the Elm and Walnut trees in the yard or on the deck of the house that they share with their human family.
Hills full of strutting wild turkey, owls hooting in the distance, wood pecker sounds echoing off the hills and through the valley -- this is the scenic Southwest Missouri atmosphere in which our wonderful Westies, Cairns, and Brittanys are now raised. We moved to the Southwest Missouri Ozark Hills from the rush of the San Francisco Bay Area in 1995.
In the Beginning
The family began "doing" purebred dogs in 1977 with the purchase of a German Shepherd dog for a family pet. It wasn't long until we went to a fun match at the urging of the breeder and, as they say, "the rest is history".
A few matches later, it was clear that we had not purchased a "show dog", just a wonderful pet. It was also clear that with two girls, ages 8 and 11, a large dog was not going to work well if we were going to follow our new "passion" . . . DOG SHOWS! ! !
Water skis and life jackets were removed from the motor home and replaced with crates, grooming tables, tack box, and hair dryer. When the boat was sold, there was no looking back!
After careful research, the family decided on a Cairn or a Westie. Finding a Westie breeder was the beginning of Sno-Kris Kennels--named for our two daughters.
Several years later, we met John Green, a well known Cairn breeder and exhibitor and a member of the Board of Directors for the Cairn Club of America. We started a partnership that lasted until his death in 1990. We have continued in his fine tradition and love of the Cairn.
Contact Us
Glenn, Linda,
and Sno Cooley
Rt. 2, Box 256
Norwood, MO 65717
(417) 948-2444 (voice)
(417) 948-2649 (fax)
References Available on Request.
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