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Four multi-service barns (with electricity);
Covered arena (with announcer's stand);
Office building;
New, modern, exhibit building, complete with kitchen;
Brand new outdoor arena (courtesy of the
Thanks to the generosity of the Tri-County Fair Board, we have access to excellent facilities within the city limits of Mtn. Grove, MO. With availability to covered barns, we are able to work in conformation classes from March through late October.
We have taken advantage of speaking before the Mtn. Grove Chamber of Commerce and have their support of insurance covering our fun matches and other organized activities.
In 1997, we held our first two fun matches and were pleased to have good turnouts at both. We will hold two more fun matches in 1998 with the first to be in April. Watch for our flyers at upcoming shows regarding dates and times.
We are offering our kennel club members the advantage of presenting their respective breeds and kennels through our web site. Please browse through our pages for more information.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please e-mail the Club President, Vicky Dooms, at scmkc@geocities.com. We will be glad to return your mail. As you will notice, some club members don't have an e-mail address, but can be reached by phone or fax, and they would also be glad to assist you.
Please feel free to send any
We look forward to hearing from you!
We are fortunate to enjoy the use of the Tri-County Fair property located within the confines of the Mtn. Grove City Limits. The generosity of the Tri-County Fair Board is much appreciated, and includes:
Spacious 20 acre tract;
Plenty of Parking ! !
Membership Information
We meet the Second Tuesday of each month at the Tri-County Fairgrounds (unless otherwise announced). Meeting time is 6:30 pm and visitors/interested participants are welcome.
Purebred Dog Links
AKC -- American Kennel Club Web Pages.
ONOFRIO -- Jack Onofrio Dog Shows Online.
MOSS-BOW/CROWE -- Moss-Bow/Tom Crowe Organization Online.
NETVET -- Veterinary updates and information.
ALTVET -- Alternative veterinary medical practices discussed.
SKIN PROBLEMS -- Canine dermatology, lots of material on flea control.
HEALTH INFO -- Index on health problems, see displasa.htm. Great site.
BLOAT -- Latest updates on bloat from research study.
LOST AND FOUND DOGS -- Hints on keeping your dog safe too.
to know more about hair and its care?
RECIPES -- Aussies call it tucker; Americans, food--this is for the dogs.
RECIPES FOR DOGS -- Sherry's recipes for all sorts of dog goodies.
DOG OWNERS GUIDE -- Archived material covering a lot of dog-subjects.
PET HEALTH NEWS -- News releases on pet health from Kansas State.
MEDIA HOUND -- H. Nadelman's magazine has training information.
OBEDIENCE LINKS -- Links to every type of obedience training.
KAREN PRYOR -- Webpage for originator of click-training for dogs.
DR. P'S OBED. -- Training info from a psychologist.
AMER. DOG TRAINERS NETWORK. -- More training info.
HOT LINKS -- Juneau KC has a huge list of links, especially for obedience.
FLYBALL -- Home page for flyball.
AGILITY -- Home page for agility.
VIRTUAL DOG SHOW -- Stuck at home, no shows? Here's one on the
THE POOKA -- Dog art for sale, links to some WOW sites, fun to explore.
COOL DOG -- Features different "cool dog" page every day.
SARAQUEEN -- Sara's edicts depicted here on great web page.
TAME BEAST -- Huge link site for all animals, not just dogs.
DOGMARK -- Thousands
of links to dog sites.
PET STATION -- All types of animals here!
CANADIAN PET NETWORK -- Another site with all types of pets.
|| Pure-bred Dog Links || E-mail Us ||
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