My Genealogy Home Page

Devoted to all who enjoy the
of tracing your family tree!

Since ANY genealogy research is an on going process
I will be occasionally updating the family tree links that I have listed below.
I will try to make them as accurate as possible
but with SO many names and information I know that there are
mistakes/misinformation in the databases. I do apologize for any
misinformation/miscommunication on my part. I have tried to go back
and correct the different databases when the errors have been brought
to my attention.PLEASE see the links listed below for the
various family trees. They are now
stored at Rootsweb on their freepages.

As of 01 January 2006 I have a new e-mail address.
Soooooo, new address is

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A family tree encompasses many branches with an abundance
of leaves upon it. This one is no exception,
I am constantly gleaning through information
I copied down years ago as well as last week.
Constantly trying to find just which branch and leaf it all fits into.
I hope to be a "JUMPING OFF" point on the different trees.
If you find a branch that looks interesting, or if you can add some leaves
PLEASE, PLEASE contact me. I have tried to be as accurate
as possible (but being quite human I know there are errors),
logging many sources and checking with cousins who are also
"working" on different branches of this tree.
I have found (or they have found me) "new" cousins on
this information highway that are very generous and
helpful in adding to the various branches.
To ALL of them I owe a deep debt
of gratitude for their on going help.

It has been almost 250 years since Johann Niklaus Werkinger first stepped of the ship Royal Union (enter HERE for a copy of the ship manifest) and on to colonial soil in Philadelphia. Since then the Werking, Working, Wercking, Werkinger, Workinger family tree has grown far and wide.

Originally from Mandel,Rhineland-Pfaz,Germany our roots spread across the ocean to Pennsylvania and they didn't stop there. These roots are long, deep and travel far across this continent. From the mountains of Pennsylvania on into Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, Illinois, Oregon, California, Arizona,Montana, Hawaii and Florida.

In addition to my paternal line through the Werkings I have roots on my maternal line through the Kritsch's (from Stolp, West Prussia circa early 1870's),
Gommel's W"urtenberg, Germany (circa 1840's),
Matheny's Mathenay, France -(France to England to Virginia, USA circa 1660's),
Grinstead's (England, not sure when),
Rowe's (originally Rauh from Lochau,Bavaria,Germany circa 1850),
Hollinger's (Switzerland/Germany border circa early 1760's),
Fewell's (England, but when?), Smith's (probably England), and Sharp's (England, March 1620) trees. As you can tell they are mostly from Germany with a good dose of English tossed in.

A great many of our ancestors bring with them a strong patriotic/military history. There have been various ancestors that fought in every major conflict since the Revolutionary War (obviously not the same ancestor :-))patriots being; Moses Sharp, Phillip Hollinger, James Metheny, Johann Nicholas Hollinger and Robert Sharp. Some were conscientious objectors due to their faith (German Baptist Brethren or Dunkards). Others were frontiersmen (Moses Sharp is reported to have been a spy for Daniel Boone), doctors (many of the Sharps were doctors, John J. Grinstead was a surgeon for the Confederacy with the 3rd Missouri State Guard). There were coopers, cabinet makers, farmers, educators, plantation owners, tobacco farmers, and just about every trade and profession down through the centuries.

In 1980 I ended up with some time on my hands and as I always enjoyed history, I started tracing the history of my family. At that time my uncle Dean Werking (1918-1991) helped me to get started and except for an occassional break due to the "real world", I've been digging away at these roots ever since!

Please be patient as I work on the different links to the actual "trees" of the various families.Also note that some of the different trees WILL overlap at times.



Werking Through Our Family Tree
Teetor/Dieter/Rowe and Allied Families
The Fewell, Fuel Family


Descendants of Christian Kritsch and Hans Gumells
Sharp - Grinstead and Allied Families
Matheny/Metheny/Mathany/Methany Family
Smith - Thomas and Allied Families


Sifting through the SANDS of time
Jacob Huntsinger and Descendants
Beuchle/Bowman/Bates and Allied Families
Still constructing the following; WYLAND, STULL, MOCK

You can help make this page a better resource tool.
Please sign my guestbook and let me know what families you are researching.
Also, feel free to give "constructive" hints on how to make
this page better for you, the researcher. Thanks.

You are the visitor at MY GENEALOGY HOME PAGE since 29 August 1999

Biographical Histories

Memoriors of Wayne County and the City of Richmond
Henry C. Fox
Western Historical Association. 1912
Charles Ellsworth Werking
Charles Newton Teeter
David M. Werking
Henry Werking Keagy
John Ellsworth Werking
John M. Werking
John Hamilton Teeter
Adam Rowe

Compendium of Biography
Henry County, Indiana 1902
Reuben F. Brown
Aaron Woolard
Isaiah Hoover

Kentucky: A History of the State
Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, ed. 8-B, 1887 - Bath County
Hord Sharpe, M.D.
Waller Sharp

Portrait and Biographical Record of the
Willamette Valley, Oregon.
The Chapman Publishing Company
Chicago, Illinois - 1903
Gilbert Lloyd Workinger

Historical Sketches of Morrisons Cove
pp. 142 & 146
The Werking Family

Some genealogical "extras"

Currently almost 40 various and sundrey obituaries I have managed to find.
WERKING (etc.) German Marriages
Copied from LDS Microfiche
Perfect Circle Piston Rings
Founded by the Hartley's and Teetor's in Hagerstown, Indiana
Christian Hollinger
A letter written home (PA) from the Oklahoma Territory
prior to the Indian Wars.
Jesse Bell Drake
Captured at the Battle of Chickamauga, Jesse's thoughts as he
returned to Andersonville Prison forty years after his interment there.
Johann Rauh/John Rowe
Join with John as he traveled from Bavaria to America in the early 1800's

My Photo Gallery
A Rogues Gallery from both my Paternal and Maternal trees.
This area is always under construction as 'new' pictures are found.
Picures currently showing are:

John and Catharine (Miller) Werking Family
Martin and Christena (Rowe) Werking Family
Will and Lucy (Walker) Werking Family
Aaron and Hannah (Werking) Woolard
Werking - Hoover Reunion - 1911
Chester and Anna Marie (Kritsch) Werking
Chester H. Werking
Alice (Fewell) Werking
Richard and Alice (Fewell) Werking Family
Jacob and Margaret (Hollinger) Werkinger - Tombstones
John and Mary (Smith) Grinstead Family
Anna Matilda (Gommel) Kritsch
Walter and Edith (Grinstead)Kritsch Family
The Family of Marshall and Rachel (Thomas) Smith
John and Lydia (Brown) Rowe
Walter Bishop and Emily Richard (Sharp) Grinstead

Photo Gallery For all of Danielle's Paternal Tree

John and Rosetta(Mercer) Sands
John Sands - 1930 England
John Wm. Ewart and Ruth(Walter) Sands
Sands and Mercer/Wolfe Families in Kansas
Jesse Bell Drake
Daughters of Henry Huntsinger
Joseph and Malissa(Mock) Stull
George G. and Jessie Edla(Drake) Walter
George William Lewallen
George Philip Mock

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