Many people believe in so many doctrines, one may end
up confused as to who knows the truth and which doctrine is right.
One thing can be certain, though,and that is an experience of the power
and love of God. Anyone who has been blessed to have received a touch from
God knows what I am talking about. If you have any questions as to what
I am talking about, pray to God to reveal His awesome power and glory and
love to you in your own personal experience.

Some of my experiences are described below.
- The incredibly intense light in my room the night
I first prayed from my heart. See my TESTIMONY
for a description of what had to be a visit by the Lord
Jesus or one of His messengers.
- While on the way home from work one day, I was praying
to God because I knew that my marriage was over. I was deep in prayer when
I saw a deer by the road, which was about to jump into my path. I was doing
almost 60 miles per hour at the time. My sense of timing told me that the
deer, if it did jump, would come right through the windshield. But in my
state of prayer, I did not panic. I did not think any further than that.
I just closed my eyes and braced for the impact. I felt a jolt through
the car at the same instant I heard a smack on the glass infront of my
face. But no broken glass hit my face! I opened my eyes and looked back.
There was no sign of the deer anywhere! The cars that were behind me were
still there. It was rush hour and that deer would have had to cross two
more lanes of almost bumper-to-bumper traffic. It was no doubt a miracle!
The windshield did not even have a crack in it. When I got home, I found
a hair caught between the glass and chrome trim, such that I could not
remove it.
- After a visit to the Church in Louisville, Kentucky,
God touched my heart with an intensity I had not previously experienced.
While driving home, I was listening to a Church music tape. The words of
the song that I was listening to stirred something in my soul. I began
to feel an indescribable sensation, like electricity, well up within me,
through my bones to my skin, which gave me goosebumps. I've experienced
goosebumps before, but this was infinitely better. Because what was even
better than that was the feeling of pure love that filled my soul. It caused
me to laugh and cry at the same time, and I didn't even know why. It lasted
for a good long time, maybe an hour or two? I didn't want it to stop.
And I couldn't make it happen again.
- Frequently, our pastor's messages or others' testimonies
will touch on exactly what I've read in scriptures or discussed with my
friends the day before. This has happened too often to be just coincidence.
I believe that it is the Spirit leading me to the Truth. It really strengthens
my faith.
- One Wednesday night, I felt like I needed to go to
the prayer meeting in Henderson, rather than the one in our pastor's basement
in Burlington. It is really difficult for me to overcome my foolish fear
of speaking before others, but I gave one or two testimonies that night
(about the power of God experience on the way back from Kentucky described
above). While we were praying for a couple who were going through the sorrow
of a miscarriage, one Brother was on the floor praying and crying in the
Spirit. He stood up and looked at me with a look that was not of himself.
And he told everyone (but I believed God was talking directly to me) that
those of us seeking the holy Ghost baptism would have to bare our hearts
and soul just like Christ was exposed on the cross. It was such a serious
message from God that I started praying in earnest, even more so than the
way I prayed that night of my Light experience. Soon, I began to feel something
growning stronger inside me and all over me. I knew then that the power
of God was upon me. An indescribable sensation came up inside me in waves!
I leapt up into the center of the room praising God. I was crying and laughing
at the same time, and it felt so good! I remember seeing the place where
I was (in spirit?). I think that I saw it with my eyes closed! It looked
like a candle-lit room with no windows, and the walls were all of gold.
And there was a very strong presence there with me. When I opened my eyes,
I was still under the extraordinary power of God, trembling with amazement.
- Being raised Catholic, I did not learn to fear God.
In my walk through christianity, I never met anyone who professed to fear
God. Everyone, myself included, always talked of Jesus as being our friend
and that He loved us so much that there wasn't any reason to fear the Lord.
As I began to learn the truth, I realized that I needed to learn to fear
God. I prayed one night for the Lord to show me how to fear Him. That night,
the Lord gave me a dream. The intensity of the colors in the dream let
me know that it was no ordinary dream. In the dream, I was walking with
someone. I looked up to see a gigantic bright white, puffy cloud that filled
the sky. I noticed fingers of cloud growing out of the top of the cloud
like whisps of hair. I pointed to the top of the cloud and shouted "Look!"
At that instant, a bright neon green bolt of lightning shoots out of the
whisps of curled cloud and streaks toward the ground. Balls of neon green
lightning break off and strike buildings and people on the ground. The
people of the earth are in a panic. The person walking at my side starts
praying in tongues. Then another person close by starts speaking in tongues.
Then I shout, "I've got to speak in tongues or else I'm going to die!"
Then I awake, soaked in sweat, shaking and crying. I was terrified. It
was obvious that I had been crying for a good long time. I got on my knees
and started to pray. Dreams like this, in anwer to prayer, are guaranteed
to remove all doubt.
- There were three evils in my life that I wanted taken
away so that I would be worthy of Gods love and mercy. While I was in bed
one night praying to God to help me overcome these three faults, I heard
three shrieks. The sound came from somewhere in my head, or so it seemed,
but was so real that I immediately turned around to see if there was someone
in the room! Since that experience, I have not been bothered by those three
evils. Praise God!
- After a meeting with the Church group in Kentucky,
I went to bed with a very troubled feeling of doubt. I prayed myself to
sleep. Two hours later I awoke with the same troubled feeling. I prayed
again. God gave me a dream:
I found myself sitting among people moving in a column, like a wagon train
expedition. But I'm facing backward. And I have the same feeling of doubt
and confusion that I went to bed with. I hear someone shout that Jesus
is up ahead leading the way. As I turn my head to look for Jesus, the night
sky explodes with intense, prismatic, radiating beams of light. My heart
is suddenly filled with an immence joy and peace. I was overwhelmed with
love, peace and joy, for I realized that I was on my way with Jesus. Then
the doubt tried to creep back in. The thought that "these people are
just following our pastor" came to me as I see our pastor at the side
of the column of travelers. He is looking in the direction from which we
came. Then I am reminded that he is overseeing us on our journey to God,
while Jesus is the one leading the way. I believe now that we were leaving
I awake out of that dream filled with joy and thank God. Then I immediately
fall back asleep into another dream:
I see my ex-wife step out of the shower in a motel room. I turn to leave
because I do not want to be there. But the door to the room won't open
and the window next to it breaks. I try to fix the window, but cannot.
My ex-wife says that the management will fix it and not to worry about
it. The manager then appears, but is unable to fix the window. I turn around
and notice that the room is a mess, filled with all the things that I thought
I had gotten out of my life. I put some of the things in a box, then open
a closet to find more junk. Then I think, "I don't want to be here.
I thought that I had gotten all this out of my life."
I believe that both dreams are from God. The first dream reassures me that
I am on my way to the Kingdom of God. The second dream may be to show me
where it is I've come from, or where it is I'll end up if I don't continue seeking God.
- The day I had the two dreams described above, was a Sunday in which I had an incredible experience during our prayer meeting. I had been praying for about 1.5 hours, seeking God. Doubt would come to my mind, making me think "is it God, or is it me". I would just about reach the point of surrender, and the doubt would enter my mind. I tried real hard to reach that point of trust, of total surrender. I was so tired. Then, as I repeated aloud "Halleluiah" or "Amen", I felt something move my tongue. Then I heard the most beautiful language I've ever heard. It was coming from somewhere in my head or my chest or somewhere within me! It lasted only a second or two. But I was so tired that I couldn't continue. Oh, how I pray that I will hear that beautiful language again. Since that experience, I have not been the same person. The following day, the world looked different, I felt different. Praise God! \o/
- Psalm 111:10 tells us that the 'fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom'. The fear of God (more than just respect) will enable a person to overcome one's faults. I was raised to believe that God the Father and Jesus were my friends, and that there was no need to fear them. Unfortunately, many christians have this type of relationship with God. And they continue living in sin, believing that God is their friend and that Jesus will forgive them. It wasn't until I learned to fear God that I was able to overcome two of the major sins that were a part of my life, drinking and drugs. I used to drink about 2 six-packs every evening, or about a fifth of liquor, not to mention smoking about an ounce of pot every week. The Lord brought me under conviction to stop the smoking and other drugs about 1 or 2 years before I even learned to fear the Lord. I would get high and immediately know that God was displeased. I could not enjoy getting high for the last 1 or 2 years that I smoked. I would throw away what I had left, vowing to never smoke again. But, I'd end up getting more, only to feel God's displeasure immediately upon lighting up. It got quite expensive in the end. Then, I heard Bob and Ellen's testimonies about what the Lord had done for them. And I learned that I must learn to fear God, and His just punishment. I just quit and didn't have a desire to smoke again, because some fear of the Lord was now in my heart. I stopped drinking too. That was over 2 years ago. I don't miss it at all. The feeling of the power of God running through my body, and the feeling of the love of God deep in my heart, beats any drug I have ever done. And I don't want to jeopardize any future opportunity to be so blessed.
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