Here we are in all our glory *smile* !!!
Want to see more pics of my family and I CLICK HERE to see my family album which was lovingly prepared for me by my dear sister. Thanks Tammy!
"But, ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves, in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some having compassion, making a difference; and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh." Jude vs.20-23
Hi My name is Bev, but I am also know as lambslight.
Welcome to my Homeschool Homepage. Have fun looking around and when your ready to move on don't forget to
sign my guestbook.
Just a little about myself. We, in the Curl household, are getting ready to start our sixth year of homeschool. We love and serve
the Lord Jesus. We like to go to the zoo, and some museums. We love to
hike in the woods and my son especially loves to collect bugs. We have just moved to a beautiful old farmhouse in the country that our Precious Lord Jesus led us to. Besides my three children Ashley, Lindsey, and T.J., we have several "other" family members. Pookie is our dog, and then there is Andy the bunny, and Snuggles the cat and Hanson the kitten, and Romey the hamster and Chester the other hamster. A 29 gallon aquarium is the last of our dear ones. On occasion we may have a stray aquarium full of mudpuppies, tadpoles, or toads and on rare occasions, we may find a turtle
that we can't let loose till we have a chance to study him a little.
I love teaching my children and feel it
is not only a God given duty but a special privelege.
You can read my testimony and you can see how I gave my life to Jesus and became a "lamb's light"! Lambslight's Playground is where you can see Ashley, Lindsey and T.J.'s homepages.
Are you just starting out? Are you a veteran homeschooler? Are you a one income family with lots of mouths to feed? Help is at hand!! Faithful Servant's Books is a free curriculum store started by a homeschool mama with nine children! She has "been there" too! So, after much prayer she
started a "Free" homeschool curriculum "store". If you
Click here you can travel immediately to a special page with all the available curriculum listed. All you have to do
is pay the postage! Sounds great huh! Wanna know more about Faithful Servant? click here
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Want to see some great Christian Sites and Help Pages? click here and visit my christian homepage site.
Looking for some great Educational Links? click here and have a blast
checking out all the great links I have come across.
Click hereand go window shopping for new and used curriculum!
If you are in need of Homeschool Support click here and you can find links to places
like Homeschool Legal Defense and Learn at Home.
A few of us have gotten together and started an online homeschool support group. You can get lots of
tips on how to save money, unit study ideas, basic all round support, access to a message board and
much more. If you are interested Homespunkidz welcomes to come join in
our efforts to encourage, uplift, lend a shoulder, help and support each other!
Just click here and your on your way to some great pages by other homeschool moms. Have fun!
If you are looking for a safe place for your "lambs" to play click here.

Awards... *blush*click here and you can see some of the awards that have been given to my homepage! To God be the glory!!

This award is special...Praise the Lord Jesus!
This site supports The Green Ribbon campaign for Responsibility in Free Speech. We believe that Free Speech is a
right and the use of our Free Speech in a responsible nature is a God given duty. If you would like more information on Zondervan Publishing's Green Ribbon Campaign and others who believe God's holy standards in speech should be upheld, click here.
I am proud to say my page has been rated "safe" for all ages.
Vickimouse is a woman with a wonderful gift for creating graphics and she has generously allowed me to use her creations.
Before you go,
Sign my guestbook. If you like, you can View my guestbook too. God bless you as you surf the net.
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© 1998 Lambslight
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