

"A genealogy is like a sex life. Mine is fascinating, yours is a bore. Unless of course, yours crosses mine".

Old family photo

Ghosts in Sunlight.

How strange it seems,

That this little photograph

On common paper lightly cast,

Will look into your eyes and laugh,

When I myself am wholly past.

When I am but a ghost in sunlight ...

Author unknown.

Henry Lipscomb and family. C1860

The following links take you to my family tree.

You can start the search of my database by clicking here to see the list of 'surnames' I am researching. For an overview of the 'person' index click here. Once inside you can select individuals and navigate up the down the family tree.

I'm primarily interested in the Lipscomb (paternal) and Adams (maternal) lines. I've traced the Lipscombs back to Ewell, Epsom - Surrey, England. It was from here that my GGGrandfather emigrated to Australia in 1850. In England he was a Brickmaker, in Australia he became a successful businessman who owned his own brickpits. He went on to become the Lord Mayor of Burwood.

My mothers line (Adams) goes back to John Adams the Bounty Mutineer. Among my 5G Grandfathers I can also list Fletcher Christian, John Mills, Willian McCoy and Mathew Quintal. My Grandfather, John Phillip William Adams left Norfolk Island in 1914 to serve in the 1st World War. After the war he settled in Sydney. We've been here ever since.

Most of the early information I have on the Pitcairn mutineers was culled from the Lareau Web Parlour which is maintained by Paul Lareau. It's well worth a visit. It has lots of excellent links to Bounty related material. One of these is George Snells home page where you will find a zipped file containing information on most of the Bounty descendants.

The names included on this web page (some 360) are basically direct descents from early ancestors on the Adams and Lipscomb lines. Mail me if you would like a copy of my complete file (some 1200 people) comprising of the following surnames.

My next project will be the Barrons (My wifes maiden name). Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.



Made with Reunion

I use (and recommend) the Leister Productions software package "REUNION" to record my family history. Using the free REUNION player program I can send you a copy of my family file which you can view on either a Mac or Windows computer. The player program can be downloaded directly from Leisterpros web site. For links to Leisterpro and other genealogical sites, be sure to visit my links page.


Your Ahnentafel number is nowCounter (poor genealogy joke, sorry!)

The best genealogy program for Mac or Windows.

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