
"We do what people were put on earth to do. We talk to friends, read, play, laugh, study, visit museums, create, learn, explore the world..... And every once in a while, we step away from our Macintosh for a breath of fresh air."

The blue underlined words are links to other web pages. If you get lost just hit the back button on your browser to return here. We know there are heaps of link pages out there, so we will only list what we consider to be the best.

We'll also try to ensure they remain current. Please mail us if you find any "cob"web sites listed on these pages.


Brians Links.

When not working, I'm usually playing on my Macintosh computers. I've also started recording our family history so the logical thing to do was combine the two interests. I maintain my family database with an incredible genealogy program called Reunion which is made by a company called LeisterPro.

Reunion was available for both Mac (Current version is 8.0.3) and Windows, the Windows version having been sold off and renamed as "Generations". You can download a Mac demo version from LeisterPros home page. If you want a copy of my complete database file (currently over 1200 names 360 of which are on these pages), just mail me (remove the no spam). To turn my Reunion (Gedcom) family file into something I could display on the internet, I used the shareware program SparrowHawk. The newer versions of Reunion now offer this as a simple feature within the program and i'll be redong my pages shortly. Reunion also has its own e-mail list, subscription details are on Reunions home page. Don Bigelow has been compiling past digests of the list into Filemaker Pro databases. You can download his handiwork directly from his web page. How about a genealogy site so good it was featured in Newsweek Magazine? visit Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet (Over 16,950 links in over 60 categories)! For another list of genealogy sites look no further than Brians Hot List (Another Brian!).

Friends are also important, some are already on-line. Why not visit Jon, He's from Michigan and loves travel -- especially to Maui! Al is the outdoors type -- which is easy when the outdoors just happens to be the beautiful Kanagra Boyd National Park in NSW, Australia. Big Al is from the 'gong' and usually has an opinion on something topical -- fortunately he's put his photo on his front page to scare off innocents :). Brett is into Mini's and V8's -- visit his site to see how he resolves this apparent conflict of interest.

Being a closet Trekkie I had to have some ST links. They have grown and now have their own page. I'm quite proud of the page, let me know what you think.

There are already hundreds of Mac link pages so I won't try to reinvent the wheel. If you can't find what you want at the "Orchard", try the Ultimate Mac site.



Kaths Links

Hi, With 4 children I don't get much time to myself. When I do I like to quilt or leadlight. For the latter, if you're considering an on-line source, have a look around the Delphi Stained Glass web site, another one I've just discovered is Glass Craft.

As soon as we get time we'll post some photos of completed quilts. In the meantime try the following Links. Firstly, the Sewer's Cellar where you'll find lots of useful info and some great links. Then try the follwing;

An excellent Quilting siteA Quilting on-line storeAnother good quilting reference site.

Be sure to me if you find some better sites.





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