About Us

We're your average family of four living in beautiful Northern Michigan. Bob has a private practice here in town, close enough that he can home every day for lunch. Lori is a stay-at-home mom who really doesn't seem to be at home much. Wes is 16 years old and is his sophomore year at high school. Ben is 12, and he's in middle school - 7th grade.

To find out more about us you'll have to check out our individual pages. We each author our own page, so sometimes they aren't updated as much as we'd like.

Please consider signing the guestbook so that we know you've been here. If you'd like to read some of the comments that people have left for us, you can look here.

Squibble Head LoriLori Squibble Head BobBob Squibble Head WesWes Squibble Head BenBen

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