"Another cat? Perhaps. For love there is also a season;
its seeds must be resown.
But a family cat is not replaceable like a
worn out coat or a set of tires.
Each new kitten becomes its own cat, and none is repeated.
I am four cats old, measuring out my life in friends
that have succeeded but not replaced one another."

Irving Townsend

 {Please follow the links by clicking
'underscored' text or the "Thumbnail" picture on the left .. }

If you are interested in adopting one of our babies,
please  click "Kitten Adoption Feedback" to fill in the form


The Thumbnails are active links
[click the picture to view]


Quick Index
New Jersey
Stud Tales
Breed Info
"Cat " Quotes
Our Dogs
Feline Links
S.A. Links

Jan 21/2001

Cream Burmese Kittens
Born December 18th, 2000
2 pages with photographs ..



Burmilla : 4 Kits - born October 19th, 1999
2 females, 2 males
New pics ~ updated November 26th, 1999
Our "Shoe-Babies" available for Adoption!

All "Shoe-Babies" are altered


Burmilla Births [1] [2]

Burmilla - November 7th, 1998
"Fuzz-Bear" ~ available for Adoption
He would love a family to rule!!
Fully inoculated including
Rabies & neutered!


Previous litters ..

Each Thumbnail is an Active Page Link
"European" Burmese above
Below Left : "Euro" Burm Variant
Below Middle: Bombays
Below Right: Asian Red Self

[Please view our "nail clipping"
demonstration page with "how-to" pictures]

Interested in adopting one of our babies?
Please email
{<- click here for email!}
with some details about yourself & your whole family...
Tell us about your lifestyle .. your pets .. your kids ~ their ages ..
why is your family a suitable home to adopt a Gitalaya baby?

or Tel: 609-758-6172
Fax: 609-758-6173

Located in : Upper Freehold, Monmouth County, NJ - USA

Please note:
All our Babies are pre-altered..
We abhor declawing ..
We do not like or want our babies to have
unlimited access to outdoors!

Happy Adoptions - Letters "home"

Cream Burmese
- born December 16th, 1998
    Ben's Pictures
    Honey & Maple's Pictures

Red Asian male - Orange Julius & Brown Burmese Variant male - Dusty - born January 16th, 1999

Our Bombaby: "Ace" residing in Pointe Pleasant, NJ


View my GuestBook
Guestbook by LPage
Sign my GuestBook

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Copyright © Gail Pomerantz

Gitalaya Cattery : 1996 - 2000
All rights reserved





Start here! [What's New?] [Index] [Breeds]
Notes: [Canadian Programme] [Stud Tales] [Retrospective Cattery Tour - RSA]
New Jersey: [Gitalaya in NJ] [Tour the Cattery] [Picture Gallery]
Breeding: [Teaser Tom] [Tips for Queens] ["Kitty Porn"] [Stud Service] [Homing Kittens]
Kittens: [Rusty] [Kittens for Adoption] [Kitten Contract] [Kitten Introduction] [ Happy Adoptions! ]
Interest Pages: [Gitalaya's Bookshelf] [Gitalaya Honour Roll] [Obituary] [Web-site Awards]
Breed Information: [Burmese Chronicle] [Burmese Breed Standard: World-Wide]
Links: [International Burmese Breeders] [Cat Links] [South Africa]
Personal Pages: [My World - RSA] [John Francois] [SA Mini GTG] [Wedding] [Gitalaya - NJ]
Webrings: [ Web Rings] [Burmese] [Asians] [Widowers]
Our Dogs: [Shaya] Pictures]
email: Gail Pomerantz (formerly Francois)