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Over the years, seven imported Burmese stud cats arrived in South Africa to take up residence at Gitalaya Cattery. There were however, eight Burmese studs, including four of our own locally bred lads, one bred by Larks Purr Vintage Bhumibol (27b) (Imp UK) others by Ch. Gitalaya Timaling Viking Warrior (27c) (Imp UK) and Gunga Din.
Although Gus was an English Champion, (Best National Shorthaired Kitten - UK Cats Magazine - 1985), he had to start his show career from scratch when he arrived in South Africa. On his arrival, Gus being an adult, did not settle in as quickly as Herbie did, then, a large six- month-old kitten. Gus spent his first night complaining bitterly and my husband was most unhappy at having his beauty sleep interrupted. He insisted that Gus be put into his run. Next door to Gus' run was Ch. Isaldor Sinamone Soo (27b), our acclaimed matriarch of Gitalaya Burmese, who had just spent a couple of days with the resident teaser tom. She was still very much in season, and they were plainly very interested in each other, making love through the mesh. After a little hesitation, I decided that since my prize cat was so miserable, a little feminine companionship might make him happy and would probably help him settle. I popped Soo in to keep him company. About an hour later, with me surreptitiously playing at 'peeping tom', Gus had successfully mated Soo. A mere 25 hours after his arduous 'plane trip. This boy definitely did not suffer any ill effects from jet-lag. Nine weeks later, Soo delivered a beautiful litter of four. Three boys: a Blue, a Chocolate and a Lilac and, Gitalaya Misty Opal, a Lilac Tortie. Misty was to become the first Lilac Tortie Burmese Champion and the mother of the first Burmese stud to become a Supreme! Our own home-bred boy, Sp. Ch. Gitalaya Gunga Din. (Soo also travelled to NJ and settled in really well but sadly she has gone to Rainbow Bridge ..) Gus went to his first SA show in Cape Town, chaperoned by Danie Erasmus, as he had to miss his debut Transvaal show with an eye infection. During the course of the afternoon, I received the first phone call from a very elated Danie to tell me that Gus had been given his first Challenge Certificate. About an hour later, the phone rang yet again, Danie was now getting agitated. Gus' awards included a Best of Breed and was in the running for Best Foreign Shorthair. I was dumbfounded. But, Cape Town did not like the coloured Burmese. You can imagine how both Danie and I felt when the final phone call was placed, Danie could hardly speak, was told: Best Foreign Shorthair, and believe it or not, Best Cat on Show. What a stunning start to his SA show career. The compere, Noreen Alexander was reported to have said, Gorgeous Gus is Simply Gorgeous! It had been an age since any Burmese had achieved Best on Show, and a cream to boot! I was delirious with excitement and promptly called his breeder in the UK to give her the good news. In September 1992, Gus was found to have a blocked bladder - cause unknown - as he had never had dry food in his life. After a week of hospitalization, with his bladder being emptied manually, it was decided that his stud career was over. Gus was castrated and had to have the op. I was devastated!
Not many people know of the events that lead to the arrival of Sp. Ch. Gitalaya Adversane Ambassador (27d) (Imp UK). He was still just plain Adversane Ambassador in those days with no title. Bassie, as he was known by his friends, arrived in January 1990 ostensibly to sew only a few wild oats. His owner, Jen, in Zimbabwe had telephoned me wanting to buy a Lilac Tortie Kitten. One of our judges had seen him on a judging trip to Harare and spoke of him in glowing terms. It took only a few seconds to establish that she was the owner of the superb Red Boy, and I gladly agreed to exchange a kitten for the services of her stud cat. Imagine my excitement when she offered to send him to SA to fulfill the contract
As part of the agreement, Bassie would spend about six weeks, during which time I was permitted to take in other Burmese ladies, from fellow breeders - thereby earning a little foreign exchange for his owner (and a marvelous opportunity to expand the limited local "orange" gene pool) After two very busy months, Jen and I spoke to each other, she requested that I keep him a while longer, with her kitten, as she was going to visit England and Europe for a month or so. At this time, I approached her about fully registering him, in my name, so that I could show him. I knew he was an excellent cat.
Bassie, at the "ripe old age" of two had started his amazing show career, and was made a Champion in three straight shows and seven weeks. He was nominated and won Best in Show at one Rand Cat Club show; he became a Champion (23/6/90). I called Jen in Harare to give her this splendid news. A rather serious Jen was delighted with the glad tidings, but I could sense that there was something troubling her. Personal problems... Still breathless with the excitement of Bassies' Championship, I was rendered almost speechless when he was offered to me as a permanent resident! Needless to say, there wasn't a moments hesitation and Bassie was mine. The Lilac Tortie kitten, Mysty Pearl, stayed home and became a Champion. It did not take long for the competition between Gunga Din and Bassie to hot-up for the honour of being the first Supreme Champion Burmese male in the country. Within four shows, Bassie had gained his Grand whereas, by now, Gunga Din had been awarded his first Supreme Certificate. Both Boys were good, it was just a matter of who would get there first. Then show season was over for the year. Bassie was a Grand in 7 shows (having skipped a Grand award in 'Maritzburg when Gunga Din became a Grand) and Gunga Din had his first Supreme In 1991 with the first show of the season, Gunga Din had to be withdrawn as he had an abscess from an aggressive visiting queen. Bassie, got his first Supreme certificate. The pressure was mounting. My two handsome boys were level pegging. I was very proud of both of them, but I think it only natural to give more support to your own child, of your won breeding and to want him to be the winner. However, throughout, I remained scrupulously fair, giving each an equal opportunity. As you can imagine, the tense competition between these two boys getting through to Supreme was quite a strain. Both were mine and both deserved the chance of being Number one Well, in the end, the decision was made by the judges. Both Boys were worthy. The next show, neither got an award - then Gunga Din did; so they alternated for five shows. On July 6, 1991 Gitalaya Gunga Din (27b) became the First Burmese Stud to achieve the coveted title of Supreme Champion. Although Gunga Din had been entered for a couple of more shows, he was promptly retired from the bench as he loathed being shown (and I had given my word...) He had never publicly disgraced himself by hurting anyone, but he let us know his feelings when we had to place him in his carrier. Some mornings, he would lead us such a merry and frustrating dance around his run before allowing me to catch him. I had to try and surprise him in his bed - but this meant he didn't have the opportunity of completing his morning ablutions before the long, uncomfortable trek to shows. Only three weeks later (27/7/91) the Ambassador got his title and was the First Red Supreme Burmese. It had been an extremely close run and thrilling race, full of suspense. Later, a further three Burmese reached Supreme, all from the same litter bred from Bassies' very first mating, namely,
Bassie went to Rainbow Bridge in July 1995 - just shortly before his 7th birthday - after suffering from a stroke. I still grieve his untimely passing. Gus has sired the first two Supreme Creams, Wedgwood Ivory Coral - now a multiple Supreme and also, Sp. Ch. Gitalaya Eros. Eros is the youngest Burmese to ever achieve this illustrious title and according to those who watch the feline record books, the youngest stud (all breeds) to have done so. He gained his title in a mere 119 days. (Eros was featured on the cover of Spectrum 27 - the newsletter of the Burmese Cat Fanciers Association.) Gunga Din, Gus' grandson, is the sire of the first Brown neuter Supreme, Sp. Pr. Gitalaya Sable Sambo and sire of the first Grand Premier Chocolate neuter, Gitalaya Champayn Chanzy. Herbie has had the honour of siring the first two Grand Champion Lilacs, Gd. Ch. Bumbles Caspar and Gd. Ch. Paxles Lilac Louella as well as Sp. Ch. Gitalaya Cinamon Samara and the most recent Supreme - Gitalaya Sinamon Sybele - both chocolate girls
A couple of minutes later, I was astonished to see Laddie walking down the passage with his tail held high, totally unconcerned by his unfamiliar surroundings. He had such a smug look on his face, as if to say, "Look, Ma, I can open doors!" Two of my girls kept the Lad company once I was sure he was completely settled. In the evenings, when my husband and I watched TV, the cats would romp around the house amongst our dogs. Laddie was beginning to mature. He started practising his craft, i.e. being a stud cat. One evening, he jumped each of the girls in quick succession, both of whom gave him a hasty slap across the face in disgust, as most well brought-up young ladies should. Not to be deterred, Laddie gave a rapid look around the room, spied our elderly Jack Russell lazing at my husband's feet, and promptly mounted her. Can you imagine the look of horror on the dogs face? John and I were hysterical with laughter. (This made the Jack Russell even more embarrassed) Laddie continued to exercise at his craft, and when preparing for a Show, I noticed that one of his companions was in the 'family way'. The sneaky blighter had caught me unawares. Six weeks later, the first of Laddie's progeny arrived. A beautiful litter - all Brown and a temporary end to the queen's promising show career. Luckily, she got her final Championship award that day. I worked out that he was a mere 6 months and 17 days when he had done the deed . Ch. Gitalaya Eclectic Blue aka Tika (27a) and Gitalaya Le Coq d'Or aka Spice (27b) are home bred from our Canadian girls. Spice has 2 CCs to his credit and hopefully will make his Championship this year. Their progeny still have to make a showing, but I have great hopes for both.
My magnificent Black Boy - Knight Rider - was a very slo-o-o-w starter. Despite extensive sex education including full demonstrations from his fellow studs - he remained a virgin. until the arrival of a Black English Rose: Gitalaya Boronga Black Savita (72.1) in March 1996. Their first litter of kittens were born on May 31st, 1996. There is no doubt that each of the Boys have made significant contributions, each in his own way, to the advancement and development of the Burmese breed in South Africa. Without the necessary expansion of the local gene pool through imports of top lines of Burmese, Gitalaya Cattery would not have been able to achieve so much in so short a time. We have been most fortunate with the calibre of studs selected by conscientious, ethical and responsible breeders in England who in choosing such fine cats for export, have enabled our Burmese to achieve no fewer than fourteen Firsts among the Burmese top rankings since 1988. Initiating and maintaining successful breeding programmes that consistently produce top award winning cats, regardless of the breed, is a committed partnership between the breeder, the exhibitor and, also a trust between you, your source of supply (of breeding stock), and by no means least, the 'local' cat/s you choose as part of your breeding programmes. Undoubtedly, if you begin with superior cats, you will have an even greater chance of achieving success. But, do not forget, an important ingredient in this recipe for success includes being dedicated to accomplishing your set goals and bearing the sole responsibility for your failures, and the ability to act on constructive analysis of breed faults without interpreting it as personal criticism. In addition, it means more careful selection in the choice of the right mates for your stud and brood queens with careful study of pedigrees, regardless of breed, and an intimate knowledge of bloodlines that you choose to work with. Should any person decide to import breeding cats from overseas, it soon becomes apparent that full background checks with research of not only the animals' bloodlines or investigation into possible genetic defects is needed, but also to verify breeder's integrity too, before committing yourself. Ask blunt questions to ensure that all proposed breeding stock comes from sound, healthy lines. No-one should knowingly import genetic time bombs, our cats hardly need any inherited defects. To further guarantee that only quality specimen/s are selected for export, it is crucial to have the cat/s inspected by at least two knowledgeable and reputable judges, who can be relied upon to give an impartial and honest assessment of the kitten/cat's potential. It is an exceedingly expensive and risky undertaking to import cat/s, sight unseen, from a distant land, and it is usually difficult to return the cat/kittens if ultimately they prove to be unsuitable. Finding the right cat with all the right attributes (whatever the source - local or international) is an exercise in patience, fortitude, and not least personal stamina - a test of endurance. If the honest truth be told, how many of us are ever truly satisfied with the results of our own breeding? The right cat is definitely worth waiting for. The results will speak for themselves! |
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Gail Pomerantz
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