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Actually three Canadian Burmese were exported to South Africa by breeder Elaine Gleason of in London, ONT. Canada.

I am privileged by being owned by two of them: Hullabaloo Patience - Patti - (27b) so-named because I waited three years for her. Patti's daughter, Ch. Gitalaya Champagne Chari, a chocolate/champagne Burmese is pictured right.
cats/shana-2.jpg The second is Hullabaloo Celebration D.M. - Sally - as she arrived just before my birthday. Gd. Ch. Gitalaya Sable Shannasoo (pictured left & below) is one of the Burmese bred from Sally that enabled Sally to gain her D.M. title. Sally is one of the seven Burmese that own the Francois family to be dignified by this prestigious award! To date the only Burmese in South Africa to gain D.M. status are 

Gitalaya Burmese... (It found it rather ironic that Elaine was one of the Judges who awarded another Gitalaya cat, Sp. Ch. Gitalaya Champagne Chula, a chocolate/champagne the final certificate enable Sally to claim the D.M. title!)


The third is Hullabaloo Spellbound who was placed in a pet home in Johannesburg with a Canadian expatriates. Fortunately Elaine was amenable to having her bred once - and I was given her breeding rights! It would have been a disaster (hindsight - isn't it wonderful...) not to have bred Spellbound before she was spayed.

cats/snuki.jpg Spellbound came into oestrus and was bred by Gunga Din. I was only advised when her kittens were 7 weeks old that there were two surviving kittens, a male and a female.

Under normal circumstances, I do not choose "pick of litter" type agreements... but Spellbound's owner had decided, in her infinite wisdom 

that "I" should "have" the male. Much to my horror when I saw the boy he his tail had been injured by the woman's clumsy husband ... I insisted that the female was mine... I had to save the bloodline... Needless to say I got my baby: Sp. Ch. Gitalaya Sable Sensation (27)... (pictured above). The first Supreme to be bred from the Canadian lines!

cats/suny.jpg By the way, Ch. Gitalaya Tequila Sunrise, (left) a Chocolate Tortie (27h) was bred from Patience (27b) and Ch. Gitalaya Kubla Khan (27f), thereby introducing the Canadian lines into the red and cream programme in South Africa. I also kept her sister, a brown Tortie: Ch. Gitalaya Tequila Tiger I (27e). Another pair of sisters, Talisman (27j - Lilac Tortie) and Keepsake (27e - Brown Tortie) daughters of Sp. Ch. Gitalaya Champagne Chula 

(resident outside London, UK) and Gd. Ch. Gitalaya Adversane Aslan (27d) (Imp UK) have travelled to our new "headquarters" in New Jersey ~ USA.

Suny was accidentally bred by Knight Rider, our Bombay stud, prior to shipping from South Africa.  On January 16th, 1999 Suny delivered two kittens : a Brown/Sable variant Burmese and a stunning Red Asian Self.   , aka Rusty and his brother have their own pages ..


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Gitalaya Cattery 1996 - 2000

- revised July 1999
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