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Civil War Research Database The site charges $25 for annual membership or $10 for a visit pass.
The Civil War Research Database is a relational database. This means
that there are numerous files (i.e. roster records, pension index records, GAR records,
etc. ) which are "related" to each other. With HDS' Database the
"relationship" or connection between these multiple files is the soldier's name.
These files contain information gathered from the different sources used as discussed
below. Not every soldier is in every file, nor is the type of information about a soldier
in a particular file the same for every other soldier in that same file. Also, the pace at
which HDS can enter the information about each soldier will vary significantly based on
the type of source documents available to us. Therefore, the Database is not a complete
biographical story on each soldier, but rather a source of significant war and post war
events that a soldier experienced that can be used for the study of the Civil War.

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