Portsmouth, New Hampshire, is one of the most attractive
port towns on the Atlantic Coast. Many of its earlier streets are quaint, narrow and
winding. Its market square, once-the abode of the town pump and whipping post and its old
Colonial houses, each enriched by an historic association, challenge the interest of the
visitor. Its newer streets arched by massive trees. Its wooded environs and its macadam
beach drives, blend with the ancient features of the old city with a harmony that is quite
The first white settlement was laid at Portsmouth as early
as 1623. Quite naturally, these pioneers fringed the shore of the bay and the lower banks
of the Piscataqua. Early growth was probably slow, but as accretions came to the
population with the succeeding decades, the old town extended back toward the higher
eminencies and along the paths and lanes which are now the down town streets of
Portsmouth. The early settlers were probably fishermen or sailors; at times trading with
their Indian neighbors, who were not always too friendly. Shipbuilding, early became an
important industry.
Among these interesting trading and sailor folk at old
Portsmouth in 1673, we first find Clement Messervy, a French lad who had recently come
over from Jersey, England. Tradition identifies him as a son of Jean Messervy and Marie
Machon, his wife, baptized at Gorey, in Grouville Parish, Isle of Jersey, on May 13. 1655.
He married and lived at Portsmouth -- in the later years of his life living at Newington.
His second son, Clement Meserve (the name was early metamorphosed to its present use)
married Elizabeth Jones at Portsmouth on Sept. 24. 1702, the ceremony being solemnized by
the Rev. John Pike. He lived at Portsmouth and Newington and died at Scarboro. Me., in
1746. He was the father of Col. Nathaniel Meserve, who was born at Ports-mouth, probably
about 1705.
Nathaniel Meserve married Jane Libby at Portsmouth on Dec.
16, 1725. He owned the covenant and was baptized in the church on Oct. 23, 1726. He is
rated as the most prominent member of the family bearing his name, in America. His first
prominence came with his participation in the memorable siege of Louisburg in 1745. The
signal services rendered by him at that time were of such a character that the success of
the whole expedition was attributed to his accomplishments.
Early historians have repeated the name of
Col. Meserve with admiration, in narrating the circumstances of this famous siege. In
1756, he led the New Hampshire: troops in the defense of Ft. Edward, which he defended
with gallantry, and was recognized by the Earl of Loudon, Commander of the English forces
in America. Seventeen fifty-seven again found him in command of the colonial regiment of
New Hampshire. With three hundred rangers and one hundred carpenters, he again embarked
for Halifax, sending the residue of the regiment to Ft. William Henry under Lieut. Col.
He returned from Halifax in the fall and
in April 1758, again joined the last expedition against Louisburg. At this time he took
with him a large crew of carpenters. He contracted the smallpox and both he and his son
died at Louisburg on June 23, 1758. News of his demise reached Portsmouth in the middle of
July and produced a most profound sorrow. The Gazette of August 11th in a discriminating
notice of the public services and high character of the deceased, contains the expression
of a public loss.
In 1749, at his shipyard in Portsmouth, he
constructed for the British government the frigate "America." A model of this
ship is in the Athenaeum in Portsmouth. This ship was launched on May 4, 1749, and
joined the British navy in England.
He was one of the twelve gentlemen who
purchased the Mason grant in 1746, which became the origin of his large ownership of lands
throughout the colony.
He was one of thirty-three of the prominent men of
Portsmouth who established the first public library in the city. This was in 1750.
In 1740 this shipbuilder and soldier built,
in Portsmouth, what has since been known as the Meserve-Boyd House. This home was
contiguous to his shipyard where he constructed the America. The house was afterward owned
and occupied by Peter Livius, then by Col. George Boyd and later by George Raynes. He
built the house on Vaughan Street in Portsmouth known as the Meserve-Webster House for his
son, George, who occupied it until history activities drove him to a residence in England
in 1777.

Meserve Webster House, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
From all that has been said concerning his
varied activities, we must yield to him an unblemished character and most successful issue
in his private life. His service to the colony was brilliant, unselfish and patriotic. He
appears to have achieved unusual success in a business and financial way. As to what, if
any cliffs of adversity he was required to negotiate, ere he attained success in his
business career, we have no intimation. The devise to him under his father's will was a
pittance of fifty pounds, but he had reached affluence before his father's demise. The
noontime of life found him the owner and operator of the largest shipyard in Portsmouth--a
port then famous for its shipbuilding facilities.
Perhaps no greater patriotic service was
rendered than the manner in which the Masonian proprietors handled their acquisition of
these lands. The rights of the settlers were allowed to become vested and the new
proprietors contented them-selves by sale and disposition of the unappropriated lands and
concerning these lands, they dealt with the settlers in an open and even handed manner. It
is believed that his wise counsel and spirit of fairness, contributed to a happy and
satisfactory adjustment of what had hitherto been a most provoking situation to the early
settlers of New Hampshire.
His military record suggests that his
loyalty to the people of New Hampshire was no greater than his loyalty to tile British
crown. The Jersey people had and now have an unbroken record for loyalty to the reigning
house of Great Britain. His recognition by the Earl of' Loudon and his construction of the
America would seem to indicate the great confidence reposed in him by the British
sovereign. Had he survived to the days of the Revolution, he might have remained loyal to
the mother country. However, he was an officer at Louisburg at various times and must have
been fully apprised of the negative consideration accorded to the Colonial officers and
troops by the king's officers. He was associated in the Louisburg expeditions with men
whose names afterward became identified with the cause of the colonies in the Revolution.
Who shall say but had had he lived, he would not have stood with Warren at Bunker Hill or
with Washington at Boston? Can one doubt but that possibly his mature judgment and
experienced counsel might have been required in the halls at Philadelphia?
In Portsmouth, where he was at home, we
can fancy his name linked with every public endeavor. His identification with its first
public library suggests his altruistic character. His counsel and services were probably
requisitioned with great frequency in the public affairs of Portsmouth and the colony.
That he met each demand none will question. He was of the highest probity and his
judgment, sound and respected, as is evidenced by the old court records of Rockingham
county, which testify to his many services as an arbitrator and as an appraiser and in the
partition and settlement of estates. The bells tolled in old Portsmouth when the news came
of his death at Louisburg and the press notices were most eulogistic.
His life was one of usefulness. He was one
of New Hampshires most prominent men in the rare old Colonial days.
John Meserve was his second son and was
born at Portsmouth about 1730. He married Sarah Collins and died in January 1760. His son,
William Collins Meserve, was born at Portsmouth, Nov. 8, 1753. He was a sea captain and
became a privateersman during the Revolution. He was First Lieutenant under Capt.
Nathaniel Thayer on the brigantine "Satisfaction" (privateer) from April 1,
1778, to August 31, 1778, upon which latter date he was commissioned "General
Lincoln" (privateer).
Englands commercial shipping made
rich prizes highly attractive to the American privateersman and a situation bordering upon
piracy was engendered. Zealous commanders interpreted their instructions as indicated by
Chief Justice Marshall, who, in his Life of Washington, at this period says: "Though
general letters of reprisal were not immediately granted by Congress to their continental
cruisers, a measure of equal efficacy, but less hostile in appearance, was adopted. Their
ships of war were authorized to capture all vessels employed in giving assistance to the
enemy in any manner whatsoever; and the forms used in their resolution were such that no
capture could be made which might not be construed to come within it." Thus the
character of privateering practiced was not only fatal to British shipping but became
highly lucrative to commanders and crews.
Captain Meserve became quite successful in the captures he
made but his career as a privateersman ultimately ended in his capture and nearly cost him
his life. He had intercepted a number of British trading ships and with booty on board
valued at $100.000 sailed into New York harbor. Being in ignorance that New York had
fallen to the British, he was promptly detained and he and his crew became prisoners. They
were sent to Halifax for incarceration and subjected too much inhumane treatment. An
attempt was made to poison them by giving them poisoned ale to drink. A humane British
officer with whom the captain had become acquainted, gave him a warning look ere he had
imbibed the glass which was given him. He had drunk enough, however, to become quite ill,
but recovered and was afterward released and returned to Portsmouth.
After the war and in 1782, he married Deborah Bartlett, a
daughter of Capt. John Bartlett of Portsmouth. He followed the sea until 1797, when he
removed with his family to Goshen, New Hampshire, where he died March 28, 1824.
Some conception of the range of his sea activities can be
gleaned from the following taken from a "Sketch of Goshen" by Walter A. Nichols,
1903: Seven bushels of Spanish Silver had Capt. Wm. Meserve when he retired from a long
and active sea life, to a farm in North Goshen. At least he is reported to have recovered
that amount from an Old Spanish wreck and at his death in 1824, several quarts of the old
pieces were still left."
Captain Meserve was a man of undaunted courage. He was a
typical sea dog of our Colonial period - one of the true and unafraid souls who helped lay
down the foundation of the Republic.
The above article
was contributed by Ralph & Marge Meservey of Klamath Falls, Oregon