Please feel free to e-mail me
with any questions regarding breastfeeding or attachment parenting.
La Leche League International
Ask Dr. Sears
The Natural Child Project
Amazon Books: to order THE BABY BOOK By Dr William Sears
Maya Wrap slings
Jane's Breasfteeding & Childbirth Resources
Dr. Alison Miller, Psychologist, practicing in child & family therapy
IPT (Infant Potty Training) Also known as Elimination Timing
Adoptive Breastfeeding
Million Mom March
 Site Map
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Bookstore |
Attachment Parenting |
Stress-free Parenting |
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Crying-it-out |
Spanking |
Parenting Wish List |
Parenting Obstacles |
| Reasons to Breastfeed |
Breastfeeding Benefits |
Breastfeding Saves Money |
| Extended Nursing |
Great Breastfeeding Article |
Pacifiers |
Nipple Confusion |
| Twins: Preemies' Birth |
Photos |
Poetry |
Awards |
Moms' Support |
| La Leche Magic | Links |
E-Mail Lonnit |


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