Faithwalker's Organic Home
Compost Compost Compost
Feed the soil, and the soil feeds you.
What is compost? Compost is actively decaying organic matter. It is composed of yard clippings, wood chips, sawsust, leaves, animal manuers, kitchen scraps (except meat, NO RATS IN THE COMPOST PILE!)
How do these materials break down? Micro-organisms, such as bacteria and fungi, secrete enzymes and acids that disolve materials into a compound called 'humus'. As water passes through the humus, it creates a delicious tea that your plants can't get enough of.
Composting Systems
I live in a city and have a small yard, so I can't afford the luxury of a large system. So, this is how I do it. If you have more room, contact your extension service or visit your garden center for grander models.
I have two 30 gallon garbage cans. I punched holes in the bottoms and sides with a hammer and a large nail. Can #1 is for my starting and can#2 is for my finishing.
In can #1, I put about 3-4" of peat moss on the bottom, then about 2-3" of grass clippings, then leaves and shredded newspaper, half a sack of composted chicken manuer from the garden shop, and more grass clippings, eggshells, coffeegrounds, shredded twigs and the lid.
I then use a compost auger and mix it up twice a month to keep the oxygen levels high for those micro-organisms. In the 3rd month, I transfer can #1 into can #2, starting over in can #1.
Can #2 is usually ready by the end of the next 3 months and into the garden it goes.
Total cost of the system: about $15! My cans are plastic and have lock-down lids...sorry Mr. and Mrs. Oppossum!

Contact me at: jeff_faithwalker@yahoo.com