Meyer Family History

(Descendents of William Warren & Clarissa Meyer)
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William Warren Meyer, the patriarch of the Meyer family, was born February 12, 1859 in Meyer's Mill* of Barnwell County, South Carolina. He was the offspring of Duff Meyer, who was Caucasian, and an African descendent slave named Taimer, whose "maiden" name is unknown. Taimer later married Henry Price and to that union were born three girls: Virgin Mary, Josephine and Missouri and one boy: Aldredge.

Four years after the birth of William Warren, his bride-to-be Clarrissa Parker, was born on April 18, 1863. Her parents were Abraham and Mary Parker of Barnwell County, South Carolina.

Wm. Warren Meyer and Clarrissa joined in holy matrimony in 1880. The exact date is unknown. From that union were born seven boys and two girls:

Reverend Arthur C. Meyer - born August 18, 1881 - deceased 1919 A dedicated and active member of his church, he served as a Sunday School teacher and was later ordained a minister at St. Luke Baptist Church (now known as Union Baptist). He married Mattie Keel in 1902. They had thirteen children. At an early age, he became the owner of 112 acres of land.

Council A. Meyer - born May 29, 1886 - deceased 1968 A very proper gentleman for whom God and family came first. He was musically gifted and assisted with the ministry of music at his church. In 1908, he married Charles Ann Golphin. They had two children. He was trained as a carpenter at South Carolina State College and built homes near his parents and in Savannah, GA., where he later settled. He was an inventive scientist with a licensed line of hair and body products called Puritan.

James O. Meyer - born 1888 - deceased 1962 A faithful servant in his church, First Bryan Baptist, he was Chairman of the Deacon Board, treasurer, trustee, member of the Scout Committee, Sunday School and BTU. He participated in many civic, fraternal, and social organizations, namely: Commander of American Legion Post 500, Secretary of World War I Veterans and Letter Carrier Associations. He married Eugenia Copeland in 1920. They had no offspring, but were a loving Uncle and Aunt to a host of nieces and nephews.

Johnny R. Meyer - born 1892 - deceased 1927 A devoted church and family man, he married Janie L. Dunbar in 1913. They had three children. After Janie's young death, he married Eugenia Anderson in 1926. They had one child. Johnny was a brick mason - the first African American brick layer to build a bank in Greenville, S.C. in 1923. He laid the steps and placed the corner stone at St. Luke Baptist Church.

Lena Meyer Bush - born 1894 - deceased 1919 In her short life of 25 years, she married C.B.Bush and gave birth to three children. She was known to be a faithful Christian, a devoted wife, and a loving mother.

Charlie C. Meyer - born November 30, 1896 - deceased November 1979 An active member of his church and community, he was ordained as a Deacon at Friendship Baptist Cgurch in Greenville, S.C. He later resided in Washington, D.C., where he served as a Deacon and assistant chairman of the Deacon Board at Metropolitan Baptist Church. He was married to Amy Odom, a union from which four girls were born. He was a mechanic by trade and had his own business.

Carroll S. Meyer - born 1898 - deceased May 1979 A true Christian and missionary, a Deacon and church clerk at St. Luke Baptist Church, aswell as a dedicated family man. He married Laura Foreman in 1920. They had seven children. He was a proud farmer and won many awards for producing bumper crops. He believed in visiting, giving, helping and loving others.

Rhayford Lawton Meyer - born 1900 - deceased June 1979 Throughout his life he was active in his church, community and most of all, with his family. In 1924 he married Jennie Bentley, a union which bore 9 children. He was a farmer, photographer, sales person, land surveyor, mathematician and Mason. Rhayford served as a Deacon and treasurer of St. Luke Baptist Church and secretary of Union Baptist. He was also the manager of the Sunset Four Quartet.

Wilhelmenia Meyer Tutt - born 1905 - deceased February 1935 A musically talented Christian lady, Wilhelmenia was known for her beautiful piano renditions. She attended Mather School in Beaufort, S.C. In 1925, she married Nixon Tutt. They had five children. In her short life, she was a devoted wife and a loving mother.

Wm. Warren passed at the age of 69 on January 16, 1928. Clarissa was 87 when she passed on March 31, 1950. Both of their remains are at rest in the cemetery of Union Missionary Baptist Church in Martin, S.C. (formerly known as St. Luke Baptist Church of Meyer's Mill, S.C.) All of their offspring have joined them in glory, however there remains a legacy of grands, great grands, great great grands, and great great great grands to cherish their memory.

Meyer's Mill was named for the grits mill owned by the Meyer family. That property is now part of the Savannah River Nuclear Plant and may be visited only via pre-arranged tours.

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