The Staton's!

Hello! Welcome to our Family Page! I hope you enjoy
your visit!!!! It's 2001!!!Happy New Year everybody!! Hopefully the new year will be full of good things for us! I finally found the time to work on my homepage. I haven't had time to sit down and do a lot on it in a while!!!! The girls are getting so big.
I don't have babies anymore.): I can't believe how time flies!!!
There hasn't been a whole lot happening around here to tell you about
so I'll let you get to all the good stuff just scroll down to learn more about us!!! Ok here goes....


Wayne is 35 years old. His birthday is March the 5th! Wayne started his own HVAC business this past year!!!! We decided it was time to take the plunge. It hasn't been easy but his business has gotten off to a great start and I know it will do even better this year. He is working even more now then before but its worth it. But when he isn't working he enjoys watching the Nascar Races on Sundays and spending time with me and the girls! Oh and he enjoys helping me in the yard with my flower garden! Well Wayne is really getting into being on this computer lately. I can hardly get on it when he is here!!! I think he is addicted to the internet. *LOL*!!


Miranda is 10 years old. Her Birthday is May the 1st!
She is in 5th grade this year! She is a real smart child.
She loves the 5th grade! Her teachers are wonderful people.
Miranda is learning to help around the house. And so far it has been like pulling teeth to get her to do very much.*LOL* But I'm sure it will get easier for her the older she gets. She enjoys
reading,writing,playing outside and playing on the computer! And I really think that she enjoys fighting with her sister also!*LOL* But really she is a wonderful little girl! And she really loves her family. And we are all so very proud of her! Miranda is doing real good in school this year. She is reading a lot. She is doing real well in her other subjects as well. Miranda has a lot of friends and she is always getting invited to a birthday party! This can get a little expensive. But I'm glad she is so outgoing because this is a good attribute on her part. I'm sure she will go far in life and become an independent young woman someday! That is my wish for her anyways.


Megan is 6 years old. Her birthday is November 2nd!
Megan is in Kindergarten this year! She is doing really good. She is such a silly child! She makes us laugh so much! I'm sure she'll be doing the same at school soon. She enjoys playing outside,and watching T.V.! She loves to watch all the new shows on Nick Jr.! She also loves singing and dancing to Brittany Spears and Christina Aguilera songs! She is so cute! And we are all proud of her also! She is a very independent child and is always trying to do things for herself and believe me she can be very stubborn sometimes. And does she have a temper!!! Hopefully she will outgrow this soon. I don't think I could put up with this for the next 14 years or so. But she can be the sweetest thing when she wants to.


Sandra is 34 years old. Her birthday is April the 17th!! I am now a working Mother!! I work at a church preschoool. And boy do I have a lot to do now!! But I really enjoy my job!! Sandra enjoys Gardening a lot, in fact she has about 10 rose bushes (her favorite) planted, a lot of Perennials and a few annuals! She also enjoys playing Wordox at! This is the best site I have found to play games of all kinds. My handle is Green-Eyed_Lady if you see me say hello! I'm sure she would enjoy meeting you! Sandra also enjoys working on this Homepage a lot! She is also learning how to make border backgrounds. She made the ones that are on the Win our Award Page, The Webrings page,The Family Photo page And Sandra's Garden page! Check them out and let her know what you think. Remember they are just a start!*LOL*
Well I have my Garden page done and it turned out really good. So if you would like to see my real garden then take a look at it I know you want to!!!! Well I have started to learn a lot about making border backgrounds. I just got my Free Borders page up! Sandra's Border Backgrounds

Well I hope you enjoyed your visit and I hope you will come
back and visit our little family often!

We adopted a baby mouse named "Dustin" on July 7,1997! Please visitDustin in his new home!

Megan loves the moon if you are wondering why it's here!!!!
Keep our kids safe on the internet. Click on the teddybear graphic and read an important message!

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The song playing is"The Greatest Love of All" by Jack's Shack!
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