My Special Friends
This page is Bobby Approved

Bobby Approved

large bar, five flower bouquets

Dedicated to my
"Special Friends"

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You Are
My Friend and Confidant
single flower bouquet
Even though we have barely met
I feel a bond between us.
A bond that should have taken forever to build
Yet was built in a year or two.
A bond that lifelong friends should have,
Although most never do.
A bond that I am glad to share with you...
My Friend and Confidant.

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You are not here in body and soul,
But as a lighted rectangle.
You come to me every day as
A message on my screen,
A message that I can rely on
To cheer me up and make my day.
Through a keyboard we share
Our ups and downs.

single flower bouquet

I have opened my inner self to you,
And you have to me as well.
We have traded secrets and laughs,
As well as sorrows and pain.
I have barely met you, but I feel as if
I have known you most of my life.
To most this might sound silly,
But I assure them, it is not...

single flower bouquet

I tell them you are my
Friend and Confidant!!

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Intro Page
Praying Hands
Graphics and PSP
Chronic Pain
Model Railroads
Heartland Honors
Porcelain Dolls
Country Elevator
Special Friends
Online Friends
N.A. Prayer
My Mom
Coming Soon

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©1998, update June 30, 2007