At the moment this guide is still in the process of being written.
Pages will be added as soon as they are completed.
This JavaScript guide contains introductory information about the language. Using simple examples, and larger 'end of topic' programs, this guide takes you step-by-step through most of the JavaScript code you will need to know (all of the code used in my scripts is covered here).
Like the HTML guide, this guide is an introduction. No previous knowledge of programming is necessary.
This course should put you in a position to have confidence in writing and implementing additional functions into the scripts you create.
Further references can be obtained from my resources links page.
- Page 1 -
Introduction to an object-oriented language
- Page 2 -
Variable types
- Page 3 -
Defining functions
- Definition syntax
- Functions that return a value
- Page 4 -
Using forms for JavaScript
- Form buttons
- Reading form values
- Updating form values
- Page 5 -
Manipulating variable values
- The if .. then .. else structure
- Increment and decrement
- Useful pre-defined functions
- Page 6 -
Arrays and loops
- Use of arrays
- The For loop
- Arrays of arrays
- The While loop
- Page 7 -
Propmting the user
- The alert and confirm boxes
- The status window
- Page 8 -
Output to a window
- Opening a window
- Writing to the window
- Closing a window
- Page 9 -
Telling the time in JavaScript
- Page 10 -
JavaScript events
- Page 11 -
Running applications in the background
- The setTimeout command
- Function end-recall
- Page 12 -
Other useful window properties
- Changing colours on a page
- The window's history
- Appx 1 -
Colour names and values