Our Missionaries
As a Bible-believing church, we believe that God sends forth missionaries to take the Gospel to those who would
otherwise not hear. We also believe that God means for the church to take care of the missionaries through prayer
and financial support. The following are the missionaries that Poteau Valley Baptist Church supports:
Cork Abright - Netherlands
Chuck & Anita Bauman - New Calcedonia
Bill & Marge Field - Romania
Mark & Michele Hale - Lithuania
The Harmans - Jamaica
Carolla & Bonnie Jelly - India
Mr & Mrs Ross Liscon - Nigeria
Duane & Anne Lueskow - Chile
Hank & Nancy Mantonya - Brazil
Mr & Mrs Isaac McBride - Hungary
Jerry & Jan McDonald - Boy's Ranch
Don & Kathy Mingo - South Africa
Bob & Sue Phillips - Philippines
Ron & Kathy Reasoner - Russia
Mr & Mrs John Riggs - Zambia
Richard & Melonie Steele - Mexico
Eddie & Janet Urey - Spain
Bob & Sondra Winters - Tahiti
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