Mr. Spock was only with us for 2 years. He died of cancer. He was loved in a way that only a first dog/friend was loved. We used to play "rough house" style with him. I had these sheep skin gloves I would put on to play. He could then grab my hand and pull and bite without hurting anyone. So whenever I put them on it meant it was time to play. I forgot about WINTER! A slightly less than cordial neighbour (she used to sunbath in her front lawn and Spock would walk up to her and stick his cold nose on her) was walking up the street in winter with arms full of groceries one day. Spock saw the gloves, and decided she wanted to play, so he headed toward her full tilt. She went flying, the groceries went flying and Spock could not understand what the fuss was all about! ![]()