Central Ohio Corporation Of Dance Clubs
President Shirley Monnett
Vice President Ernie Winestaffer
Secretary Marilyn Schnippel
Treasurer Joan Hill
(R) = Club Level Round Dance Cued (CW) = Country Western
Bloomin' Buckeyes (Plus)(R) 2nd & 4th Sat 8-11 Masonic Temple, 46 N. 4th St. at Church St. Newark
Bucks & Does Singles (Plus)(R) 2nd Tues & 4th Fri 8-10:45 First Comgregational Church, 444 E. Brooad St. Columbus
Bunkhouse Reelers (Plus)(R) 8-11, 1st Fri Sept-May, 1st Sat June-Aug Harmony Hall, 165 Worth Dr. Buckeye Lake
Calico Pairs (Rounds II IV/V) 2nd & 4th sun 7:30-9:30 thru April Harmony Hall, 165 Worth Dr. Buckeye Lake
Central Ohio Callers Association 3622 East Powell Rd. Lewis Center
Central Ohio Corporation of Dance Clubs Mifflin Presbyterian Church, 123 Granville st Gahanna
Dixie Squares (Plus)(R) 2nd & 4th Fri 8-11 Fredericktown Primary School, 124 W. High St. Fredericktown
Dudes & Dolls (Plus)(R) 2nd & 4 Thur 7:30-10:30 American Legion Hall, 5477 Sandalwood Blvd Columbus
Friendly Ties (MS+)(R) 1st & 3rd Sun 7-10 Pickerington Senior Center, 150 Hereford Pickerington
Grove City Western Squares 2nd & 4th sat 8-11 Evans Senior Center, 430 Dudley Ave. Grove City
Harmony DBD (DBD) 2nd sun 2-5 Harmony Hall 165 Worth Dr. Buckeye Lake
Hicks & Chicks (Plus)(R) 1st & 3rd Sat 8-10:30 Sunny Acres Barn, SR 309, 5 Miles E. of Marion
4600 Harding Hwy E., Caledonia
Lil' Brown Jug Singles (Plus)(R) 2nd Sat & 5th Fri 7:30-10:30 Mingo Park Complex OR
Delaware Joint Vocational School, 1610 N. State Rt. 521, Delaware
Motivators (Adv) 2nd & 4th Tue 7:30-10 Harmony Hall 165 Worth Dr. Buckeye Lake
Orbiting Squares (Plus)(R) 1st & 3rd Fri 8-10:45 Brookwood Presbyterian Church, 2685 Livingston Ave., Columbus
2nd & 4th Fri 7:30-10 July & August
Party Line Extension Contra 1st, 3rd & 5th Thurs 7:30 Brookwood Presbyterian Church, 2685 Livingston Ave., Columbus
Rhythm Reelers (MS+) 2nd & 4th Fri 8-10:30 Hilliard Presbyterian Church, 3600 Leap Rd. Hilliard
Road Runners (A-2) 1st & 3rd Wed 7:30-9:30 Sept. thru May 3622 East Powell Rd. Lewis Center
Square Wheels Camping (MS+) 3rd Sat summer 8-11 3rd Sunday winter 2-5 Location Varies Month to Month
Starlites (Rounds Phase II) Every Tues 6:30-10 Brookwood Presbyterian Church, 2685 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus
Satellites (Rounds Phase III/IV) Every Tues 6:30-10 Brookwood Presbyterian Church, 2685 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus
Step 'N' Stones (C-1, C-2) Every Sat. 7:30-10 3622 East Powell Rd. Lewis Center
Tracktown Shirts & Skirts (Plus)(R) 1st & 3rd Sat 8-11 Evans Senior Center, 430 Dudley Ave. Grove City
Westerville Promenaders (Plus) 2nd & 4th Sat 8-11 Christian Community Center 393 E College Westerville
Y.E.S. Wheelchair Dancers Call 866-4716 For Information on Dates & Location
or email the webmaster at this page bottom
Zanes & Janes (Plus)(R) 2nd & 4th Thurs 7:30-10:30 Machinist Union Hall, 1526 Bluff St. Zanesville
24 hour Square Dance Hotline answering machine for COCDC clubs
614-868-TIPS (8477)
Recomendation for directions is to note the address and feed it thru an "internet map" engine.