TL's Riverside Labs
Breeding Program

TL's Jester G Money Junior and TL's Hotel California

At TL's we take great pride in our breeding program that incorporates physically and mentally sound field and show bred dogs, to produce Labs that are multi-purpose. We want our Labs to look, act and work as the breed is intended to, with the genetic stability to be a long time friend.

Our breeding stock all work and compete. They are each OFA and CERF cleared, and temperament tested. We are very selective in the dogs that we choose to breed. We take only field trial bred dogs with good conformation and show bred dogs with good retriever instincts into our breeding program as future hopefuls for our lines.

Lucy's Litter

We raise all of our puppies in our home, and make sure that they each receive individual attention throughout their time with us. They are properly socialized with adults, children and other animals. We guaranty our pups against all genetic illnesses and conditions. We offer payment plans, spay/neuter rebates and title incentives programs to help motivate our puppies' owners to be responsible pet owners and to become active in AKC licensed events. See below for upcoming litters planned for 2001 at TL's Riverside Labs! And a little further down you can read all about what goes home with a TL's Puppy on that BIG DAY!






Becka and Voodoo PuppiesBecka and Voodoo Litter

Sidney and Byron LitterSidney and Byron Litter

Meet Some Of Our Puppy OwnersMeet Some Very Special TL's Friends!

All of our puppies go home with a HUGE Puppy Starter Pack. It includes all kinds of neat things, including a complete TL's Puppy Folder that will have tons of helpful info about Labradors and raising puppies; a 5 generation pedigree, and a "family photo album" that includes pictures of each of his parents, and pictures of him with his littermates at mealtimes, playtimes, and naptimes, from birth all the way on up to eight weeks; his TL's Written Health Guaranty and his Temperament Test Certificate along with Special Offers from us for a FREE 8 Week Obedience Course to be started at age 4-6 months, Information on our Incentives Programs, and a LIFETIME Gift Certificate for FREE BABYSITTING here at his Grandparents' house! Your kiddo will always have a home away from home with us!!

You'll also receive a copy of the AKC Breed Standard and information about AKC Competitions that you can participate in to earn titles and certificates, as well as earning lots of free goodies from us thru our Incentives Programs. You'll have a Purina Pro Plan Puppy Starter Kit which includes his Complete Medical Records plus all of the dates he will be due for what shots and so forth all written by us in the nice folder they provide, and you'll also have a current meal schedule and the "TL's Secret Puppy Meal Recipe".

The Starter Kit also includes helpful information about the care and feeding of puppies, and you'll have very specific information from us on this subject since it's very important to closely follow a certain feeding plan when raising a large breed to avoid rapid growth spurts. These spurts can and do cause terrible consequences like hip dysplasia and all sorts of bone and joint problems. Something we want to help you avoid at all costs! Along with all of your most important paper work, you'll have your AKC Puppy Registration Form, or "blue slip" as they are called, and a coupon for your first purchase of Purina Pro Plan, plus whenever we have extras, we throw them in for you too!

We manage to squeeze in a few more important things like your puppy's vitamins, and your puppy's personal favorite toy(s), chewies, and treats, plus a puppy blankie that will smell clean to you, but to him it will smell just like all of the familiar smells he will have the scent of his furmom and littermates and his first human parents on it too, which will really help ease him during the adjustments you all will have to make. We also include a few puppy potty pads because all of our pups leave here completely "pad" (paper) trained which makes outside training SO much quicker and accidents SO less frequent.

We also include his very first Personalized Bandana to wear home, and we take photos of each and every puppy with his new family for our photo albums before you leave that day. Basically, you'll have so much "puppy loot" and info and important things to take home with you, that we guaranty you'll leave with a shopping bag full of goodies for your new baby...because your new baby will always be our grandpuppy, and we'll always love him, too!

If you already have a puppy at home and you're here gathering any helpful info you can find, here's a terrific link for you! When you're done checking out our page, just click on the link below to get a....


While it won't be a shopping bag full of goodies, it WILL be a nice folder filled with info and important records keeping forms for you to keep everything about your puppy organized in one place, plus FREE FOOD, and a coupon for Puppy Chow! We feed Purina's Pro Plan Puppy Formula here at TL's for a lot of reasons, one of which is that while it's more expensive up front than Purina's Puppy Chow, it's highly digestible which means less fillers, so you feed less and the bag lasts a lot it gives you bonuses like beautiful coats, and less chance of skin allergies since fillers are the number one cause of those types of dermatologic problems, and a side-bonus to high digestability is less waste. That means solid compact stools versus puppy piles, and boy oh boy you'll appreciate that when it's time to go out and scoop! LOL!

But hey...some folks don't have a pet supply store nearby that carries Pro Plan, some folks can't afford it in the monthly budget, and we understand that! Which is why we suggest as your secondary option Purina Puppy Chow. We used that for years and years before the Pro Plan technology came out, and we have never had any complaints to make about the puppies we grew up on it!

To visit the rest of our website, follow the buttons below, but don't forget to come back and get your free sample kit if you need one!

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Copyright TL's Riverside Labs 1998, 1999, 2000