To Gypsy
August, 1997 - February 9, 1998
September 25, 1997
Though her life was short she gave love and sweetness to everyone she met.
Little Gypsy came into my life on September 25, 1997. She ran in front of my car and quick reactions on my part kept me from hitting her. This particular morning was cold and damp with frost on the car windshields. I stopped the car, got out and followed her to her refuge under an old pickup truck. She kept trying to come out and let me pet her but everytime a car passed she ran back under the vehicle in terror. I finally had to crawl under the truck, grab her by a paw and drag her out. Once she was in my arms she wouldn't let go and insisted on riding on my shoulder for the most of the day. As my older brother was looking for a kitten I called him and he adopted her that afternoon.
I estimated her age at 6 weeks or slightly younger. She was having so much trouble eating dry kitten chow we weren't sure she was even completely weaned. My brother began feeding her canned cat food to supliment the dry and she seemed to thrive. Her personality was so bright and inquisitive with a strong streak of stubborn. She was the Tuffest Tuff Girl Kitty I had ever seen. Her favorite game was hide and stalk. She would hide in the most unlikely places, leap out at you as you walked by, swat your ankle or feet and bite your toes then leap away to hide again. She would play this over and over until you locked her in her room or she tired of the game.
She really didn't have a real name. My brother called her Kitten Chow because she ate so much, his daughter ( for whom he had adopted Gypsy) called her Sara, then Sarah Marie, then Pancake and I always thought of her as Gypsy. She wandered into my life and never seemed to stay still. I will always remember her as Gypsy, the name I gave her when I found her. She will always be my precious little girl and I will miss her. Until we meet at the Rainbow Bridge, goodbye my little friend.
Harry Houdini
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