Dedicated to Spike 1977-1996, Rainbow Bridge
When I first started reading rpc, I never realized how many of us owned 'senior cats'. When I first started participating in Meowchat Shu (my cat) and I noticed that Spike (who owned Melinda Sheridan) would sign his posts with DOC. Intrigued, Shu asked him why and found out that DOC stood for Distinguished Older Cat! All the cats in Meowchat thought that was rather neat too and started using DOC for cats 10 yrs and older.
Well Shu and I thought that was rather nifty and Shu told his pal Spike that he was impressed by the Venerable one. Spike liked that so much he adopted it and "VC" for Venerable Cat was coined.
Sometime later Ms Aurora , a genteel ladycat of some yrs decided that she preferred the term Sophisticated for ladies of 10 and up and thus "SOC" was coined.
Stinker has recently suggested (from the rainbow bridge computer room!) that those kitties who reach the wondrous age of 20 should get a special title- Esteemed Cat.
(so please send names/ages of any cats that have made it to 20!)
These terms have been common in Meowchat for a while but unlike the various "cat clubs", there was no official list of seniors. Until now! Lynne Dancer asked me if her beloved Stinker (RB) could be on the DOC list and after a few emails we decided to create such a list for all of rpc to enjoy. This list is a testimonial to all our older generation of felines and a special tribute to Lynne's Stinker.
We dedicate the list to the one and only SPIKE, VC, without whom, the whole thing would never have come to be.
Amber Hutchinson - November, 1996
DOC/SOC Cats 10-14 years.
VC Cats 15-19 years.
EC Cats 20+ years.
Harry Houdini
To Gypsy
Rainbow Bridge
Photo Page
Featured Senior Feline
Midwest Clowder
Add your cat to the DOC/SOC/VC/EC Listing!
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