This is the story of a rescue Bouvier named Obie. On Nov. 3 1997 The Bouvier Befrienders Rescue got a call
from a
vet student, saying he had a young Bouvier bitch at the veterinary clinic. She was there for the vet students to spay as part of
their surgical study course. He proceeded to tell us she was very sweet and a nice temperament , and he would hate for any
harm to
come to her. The student asked if we would be interested in taking her . Of course we said YES !! and made arrangements to
pick her
up on the 5th of Nov. after she had been spayed .
As I drove to the pound on the bright cold day , I had my usual check list running through my head. Treats in my pocket ,
and my spare heavy duty choke collar and leather leash by my side. Also with me was my 4 year old daughter.
The pound was busy. I had to wait and I was getting impatient. I knew this poor girl had been in the pound
for 2 weeks already and had recently been spayed . I wanted to give her a quick going over verify she was a Bouv and get her
out of there . As any rescue worker will tell you going to a pound is one of the worst experiences , you have to walk past rows
and rows of cages. The noise is incredible , all the dogs barking " Look at me !! " ," Take me home!!" its heartbreaking to
you are there for only one and so many need you . Finally the pound worker gets to me and tells me to go on back. The
Bouvier is in
cage 23 , as I walk down the aisles I take note of any dog that might fit into a rescue I know of , "ahh a Dobe!! I'll Call
a Dalmatian, maybe Karen can find a foster home for her", A Rottie " Oh what a pretty boy I wish I knew someone in Rottie
Finally I get to cage 23 it's on my right, on the cold brown tiled floor I see what maybe at one time could have passed for
a Bouvier. A black skeleton, shaved bald , and my first estimation is 45 lbs a adult Bouvier bitch with ears cropped and her tail
docked. I quickly unlocked the door ( most times this is not allowed ) I had to see if I was too late , I thought for sure this poor
girl was dead in her cage. As the chain clinked I saw her head lift. " OH thank Goodness! " She looked up at me with the
warmest soft dark brown eyes. At one time I'm sure this girl was beautiful. But now she looks like some awful Bouvier stick
I sat on the floor next to her, waiting for one of the pound employees to come by and release her to me. I fed her
some of the treat in my pocket. she put her head on my lap and my daughter stroked her head. My daughter said " Mommy
she's so pretty , and she likes you !" While we were waiting I asked Terra ,my daughter to think of a name. We have to call her
something . I thought this might kill some time while waiting , But without a second thought my daughter said OBIE !! After a
friend of mine's Bouvier that was a favorite of my daughters . My friends Obie had
recently died after a short but none the less hard fought battle with cancer. This dog was a fighter too I could see it in her eyes a
survivor So I agreed Obie it was , a fitting tribute to a wonderful Bouvier. Finally Obie was released to me for the sum of
Carefully I carried her out to my van. and placed her in the dog crate in back with some warm soft blankets. The short trip
home seemed very long, thoughts running through my head , would she live ? what else is wrong with her ? How could
someone do
this to her ? Where had she been? I wondered if she'd been dumped alongside a road , or if she was lost ? Did her owners
for her ? Had she been abused ? I hope she doesn't have a problem with men , The last rescue bitch I had at the house wanted
to rip my husbands head off every time he came home , he's a tolerant man but this one was going to be with us awhile .
Once home I started a more thorough assessment on Obie, it being obvious this was a very sick dog. She was coughing
and sneezing ,
bleeding from her nose, her whole body wracked with each cough. My first thought is kennel cough, she was so weak she
hold her head up or walk in a straight line. I called my vet an made an emergency appointment.
I carried her into the vet office ,the first thing I did was to place her on the scale. It read 35 lbs, the vet hospital workers
gathered around to
see my latest rescue. All of us were in Shock I thought " This can't be right her foot must have slipped off the scale " . I
re-weighed her again the digital numbers stopped at 35 lbs. Everyone in the vets office was in shock , how could an adult
Bouvier survive being so emaciated. As I was soon to discover Obie's weight was to be the least of my concern.
We went into the exam room sitting on the floor with her waiting for Dr. Wood to come and take a look. , I stroked her
bony head and she looked at me with those warm, sweet, deep dark brown eyes. Dr. Wood started his exam , blood was
drawn for a heart worm test , and we took her back for x-rays. The first bad news was she had severe pneumonia both lungs
were almost filled with fluid, then the blood test , heart worm positive, and the x-rays clearly showed the heart worms were
advanced. then stool samples showed hook worm , round worm , tape worms. She also had a staph infection that was affecting
her skin. Obie was prescribed some antibiotics and predizone and I took her home , she was too weak , and emaciated to
undergo heart worm treatments at this point.
Back at home I bedded her down in a crate & tried to offer her food , as soon as she ate the food came right back
up and a coughing fit started, mucus and dog food flying everywhere . something else was wrong that we hadn't found in her vet
exam. So two days later I took her back to the vet for a barium x-ray , in hind site this probably wasn't the best idea I ever had
. When the Vet does a barium x-ray the dog has to swallow barium a radioactive heavy metal , then they take an x-ray to see
where the barium goes it shows up white on the x-ray. Well Obie aspirated the barium and it got into her lungs , so now on top
of the bacterial pneumonia she had barium pneumonia . Barium irritates the lungs and causes scaring . But the x-ray did show a
esophageal diverticulum ( A pocket in her esophagus) So I took her to a vet specialist to have them put a scope down her
esophagus to see exactly what was going on . $65.00 later he told me he wouldn't scope her because it would be a waste of
my money , this dog would be dead by the weekend . The only thing he could suggest was to hospitalize her in intensive care
for at least 3 days at the tune of $500.00 per day . And no guarantees she'd make it.
Heavy hearted and but not discouraged I took Obie home . The vet specialist hadn't told me they could do anything more
for her
then I could do for her at home. I got a heating pad and placed it in her kennel under her blankets. I set up an old vinyl table
cloth over her kennel , and placed a vaporizer in front of the door filled the medicine cup with good old fashion vicks vapor
rub. I set up my sleeping bag next to her and spoon fed her broth and rescue mash ever two hours, around the clock .
Two days later Obie could STAND!! , Three days later she could walk up steps, Five days later she wanted to play .
Within two weeks she was well enough to undergo heart worm treatments, She was up to 50 lbs. But still couldn't eat on her
own. I took her out to the rescues Vet in Grosse Point woods for the heart worm treatment, which she can trough with flying
colors .But she lost 5 lbs during the treatment , the rescue vet & I decided it would be best to start tube feeding her instead of
the spoon feeding . in hopes that giving her esophagus a rest that it would heal and she would be abel to eat on her own. I
picked Obie up on Dec 19 from her heart worm treatment.
Tube feeding Obie was easier then anyone could have expected . She has such a sweet temperament and it is as if she
knew this was for her own good . She sits still and lets me feed the tube down her throat No need to restrain her . If she was
terrible about it or fought me doing it I might think differently . The whole feeding only takes about 5 minuets. And By the first
week of January she was over 60 lbs and I took her again back to the specialist to seek answers for her swallowing
problem. And to show her off. I do have a bit of a defiance streak. I wanted them to see she was still alive and doing better then
any one expected.
The specialist was amazed !! He had to call in the other vets and the vet techs to come take a look. Obie had beat the
odds and was thriving despite it all. But after a battery of tests the only thing the specialist could find wrong was Obies test for
addisons disease can back positive. Now as too weather or not the Addison's disease caused her mega esophagus or was it a
traumatic injury we will never know. They were still at a lost to tell me weather or not she would ever eat like a normal dog
By this time Obies vet bills had piled high to the sum of $1600.00. And due to her eating problem she was deemed un
-adopt able ( Who in their right mind would want to tube feed a Bouvier every day for the next ten years or so ? ) Well I
would!! Obie is bright alert , and ever so smart. she is loving and gentle and the best temperament I've ever seen .I decided I
would be a lucky person to share my home with this wonderful, loving girl. I have applied for an AKC Indefinite listing
privilege for her , And I plan to show her in obedience ,agility, maybe herding . Obie will also go to rescue functions as an
ambassador for the Bouvier befrienders rescue.
To look at Obie, you wouldn't know there was
anything wrong , she appears to be an is a happy well mannered young Bouvier . Other then she eats differently then other dogs
she is a normal dog . She plays and romps, has her stuffed toy puppies. Bounces with joy when she sees me or my
husband.(She also does a 4 foot high all 4 feet off the ground bounce when she sees dinner coming.) Obie does all the doggy
type things, you would expect any other dog to do . She's not in pain or discomfort. Obie is happy and eager to please, is
excelling in her obedience training , and in general is a joy to have
Obie's health continues to improve also , there are days when she can eat kibble from a dish , And she can take and
swallow small pea size pieces of treats . We've learned through trial and error that she drinks better out of a faucet or squirt
bottle then a bowl. Obie barks for a drink. But she still needs to be tube fed. Her coat is slowly coming back. Sadley Obie was diagnosed with a very serious genetic heart defect in Jan. of 1998. The vets are sure this will significantly shorten her life span. But we will continue to take it day by
day with her, and are happy for the chance.
I've been asked if I would have known in the beginning that her eating problem was going to be a life long condition.
Weather or
not we would have nursed her back to health or if we would have put her down. My response is Thank Goodness I got a
chance to know how sweet this girl was before I was forced to make that decision. Everything happens for a reason. IF I had
known the day I picked her up, that she might never be able to eat. We might very well had to put her down. But because of all
the other things she had going on it was only by process of elimination, ( Was it the heart worm and pneumonia causing her
eating problem?) By time we found out what was really going on we had time, money , and most important Love invested in
her. Where would we go from there ? a $1600.00 dead dog ? Or a loving, sweet, happy, Obie with a eating problem? Its not
Obie's fault she has this problem. Its not her fault she was so sick. A lot of her problems are/and could be genetic. And the rest
are due to her former owners neglect. Should Obie be forced to pay an even higher price for their stupidity?
I get angry that someone bred their dogs & produced her. Obie's breeder had her tail docked and ears cropped. I wonder
if they tested her parents ? Her breeders sold her for most likely
somewhere between $800.00-$1000.00 I wonder if the breeder knows she's not in the home they sold her too ? Or where
is ? I wonder if they care ?
Obie was at one time someone's puppy . Someone paid money for her . Someone Promised her they would love her . I
if her owners miss her , did they look for her ? Did they dump her when they discovered she had heart worm? did they even
know she had heart worm? Or was she coughing and they assumed she was sick and turned her loose? Did they care what
happened to her ? The facts are Obie trusted them and was betrayed.
I want to and feel I need to give Obie the chance to be the
dog she should have been. Loved , healthy, beautiful, and appreciated for what she is , a wonderful , smart , and loving
That's Why I rescue , I want these poor dogs who have been forsaken to have a real chance to be loved , to be
appreciated just because they are wonderful. To have someone to love them just because they are there. Obie's story is unusual
thank goodness not all of the dogs we get are as sick as her or
have her long term problems. Obie is special I knew that from the moment I found her curled up in a ball in the pound. I knew
from day one in my heart I was in it with her for the long haul.
Some things you could do to make sure your dog never ends up like Obie or or other rescues. Please make sure your dogs
are loved and cared for if you are an owner or a breeder, owners, before you buy a puppy ask questions , will the breeder take
the puppy back even 6 years down the road if you can't or don't want to care for it ?
Have they had both parents tested for common genetic problems ? Get your pets spayed and neutered, have them micro
chipped, tattooed or keep tags on them , take them to the vet for testing and heart worm preventative, and health check
Breeders, please breed carefully don't just breed to have puppies to sell . Keep tabs on your puppies, follow up on them.
Sell the puppies with spay and neuter contracts. Anything can happen just because you think you've picked the perfect homes
for your puppies . Doesn't mean 3 years down the road they won't get a divorce, or die or loose their job. Let your buyers
know you are willing to take a puppy back at anytime for any reason. Don't get lulled into thinking just because someone forked
out a grand for a puppy that they will take care of it . Obie and the 56 other pure bred Bouviers the Befrienders
rescued last year are lucky , they all went to good homes , we will and have taken a rescue back for any reason at any time, we
follow up on the dogs with a mentor assigned to each and every new owner. Please the Obies in the world are proof enough
someone is not doing the things they should be. NOTHING would make me happier then having no need for a pure bred
Bouvier rescue because there are no dogs that are in need of rescuing. Responsible dog ownership starts with the breeder. And
common sense.
Obie rescued my daughter from a dog attack. To read the story click here> Bufords story
( Obie Nov 6 1997)
( Obie May 2 1998)
( Obie being fed her dinner )
Obie Earned her TT Title in Sept. 1998!!
Obie Nov.2 1998 almost 1 year to the date of her rescue
Sadley My dear sweet Obie Died on Feb. 21 1999 of Heart failure. I will miss her forever she was truley a one in a million. I treasure every second I had with this beutiful soul. It's Ironic that her Heart was what I loved about her her strength & dignity How she was so willing to forgive & trust people after all she had been through. But in the end it was her heart that took her in the prime of her life, Despite everything we tried nothing could over come her pre detrimed fate a fate she was delt at the moement of her conception. Obie will live on in my memory & in the memory of all the people who she touched. May she rest in peace till we Joyfully meet again. My Dear sweet Obie girl.
Obie's gale force triumph, TT
??? 1995- Feb 21, 1999
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