Zeke now has his Own Home Page AWARDS!! We will Present it to Home Pages Dedicated To Rescue stories or Animal pages , a page to help rescues, great, inspirational , or heartwarming animal stories.
To visit the Winners of the Zeker Awardclick here!
A Few Guidelines:
1. The site should be about dogs, cats or other animals
2. Please No Pornography, or Drug references
3. We want to see a great Story! (not just a bunch of links)
4. We care about Animals not your computer skills :o )
5. The Zeker Award is for Rescue Stories!!
6. We Really like it if you sign the guest book!
Got a Great dog page But its not about a rescue dog? Apply For the Zeker Two Paws up award!
To visit the Winners of the Zeker 2 paws up Awardclick here!
We try to vist the same day we get the message to go look!
or sign the guest book!!
PLEASE ZEKE'S Award is to honor Home pages dedicated to Rescues & Great Animal Stories. Please Don't Steal It!! There are ways to find out & you will be black listed if you take it with out it being given to you
Please Visit These Great Pages all of them have received the "ZEKER AWARD"
(Special THANKS To SAVAGE For Designing Zekes Award! )
WE Have a NEW PUPPY !! Come Meet GUS!! click here!
To see picture's of Zeke Carting (draft work), click here!
To see picture's of Zeke working as a Therapy Dog click here!
Zeke & the Bouv Crew
Rainbow bridge Tribute Page

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