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This is a very short listing of email addresses. If yours is not listed please email me so that I can get it on this page. -- Thanks!

Also, classmates using icq, UIN numbers also are listed. Not using icq yet? Click on the link to download it for free and see for yourself why it's a great way to keep in touch!

Anissa (Hofstetter) Barcus ICQ UIN # 2414814

Amy (Reinecke) Biesterfeld

Kathryn Caron ICQ UIN # 513213

Cindy (Lyke) Cote ICQ UIN # 4614295 and/or 4137709

Diane (Spencer) Hyde

Rich Kutschman ICQ UIN # 3520308

Rob Martens

Wendy McDougall

Walter Poole

Cheri (Janis) Walker

Linda (Flowers) Roseberry

Class of OHS '86! - Communicate with your classmates
by using this ICQ Communication Panel

You can ICQ-Page me or you can EmailExpress me. In both cases, your message will instantly deliver to me. If I am online, it will popup on my screen, if I am offline - it will be stored and forwarded to me as soon as I'm connected to the internet. You can also use the ICQ number of other classmates and page them as well.

Page Me

EmailExpress Me

Page an ICQ User

What Is ICQ?
ICQ is very user-friendly
ICQ continually tells you which of your friends & colleagues are online
ICQ gives you real-time chat with online friends and colleagues
ICQ allows you to quickly send messages back and forth
ICQ lets you easily send files to other people

ICQ is a revolutionary, user-friendly, Internet program that tells you who's online at all times. No longer will you search in vain for friends & associates on the Net. ICQ does the searching for you, alerting you when friends or colleague sign on. With ICQ, you can chat, send messages and files, play games or just hang out with your fellow 'netters while still surfing the net.

Use of the Communication Panel is subject to the Terms and Conditions

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