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These biographies were made possible from the information sheet that was filled out at the reunion. Also, for classmates that weren't able to make it to the reunion, information was gathered from the survey that was mailed out prior to the reunion.

If your biography isn't listed and you would like it to be, please email (or snail mail) me and I'll be sure to update it as soon as possible.

Biographies are listed in no particular order, if you are searching for a certain person, please use the search function on your browser. Enjoy!

Rich Charters - Rich is married to Janet and they have a daughter named KayLee.

Cheri Witkovsky (Mioduch) - Cheri is married to Dan Mioduch and they have two children, Kristen, age 6 and Kevin, age 2.

Dave Gilbert - Dave is married to LeAnn and they have two children, Jonathon, age 8 and Tyler, age 3. Dave is an electrical engineer for Yazaki EDS Engineering in Canton, MI.

Julie Fracassa (McRoy) - Julie is a stockbroker for Olde Discount Corp. and has a daughter, Elisha Nicole McRoy, who is 4 years old.

Chuck Conklin - Chuck is married to Regina (10 years) and works for DAS, a subcontractor of Nissan. Chuck and Regina have triplet daughters born in May of '93, Gabryelle, Shelbey and Delaney.

Tara Swanton - Tara is a dentist and is hoping to set up practice in the Oscoda area.

Mike Cherry - Mike works for EDS as a systems Engineer and has started a business training bird dogs.

Cheri Meier - Cheri is a science teacher at Lansing Everett High School, she is also the Assistant Athletic Director.

Richard Kutschman - Rich is married to Rowena and they have a daughter named Marena. He is a lieutenant in the United States Navy.

Tracey Wade - Tracey works in the claims department at Farm Bureau Insurance and is still bowling.

Jodie Richardson - Jodie is the Assistant Athletic Director for Mott Community College and teaches aerobics there also. She has three children, two daughters and a son.

Donald Kaiser - Don is employed at St. Joseph Hospital, Flint as a surgical scrub tech - open heart. He is also a part-time travel agent.

Beth Flowers (Salmon) - Beth is happily married with two daughters. She is an at-home mom and loves it. Beth wrote "I truly wish that I could have stayed with everyone and graduated with everyone, but I ended up with a diploma and a wonderful fulfilling life, so I guess God was there truly all the way for me, it was great to see everyone and finally feel accepted for who I really am!"

Renee Anderson (Haglund) - Renee' has been married to Ron for over 9½ years. She works for First of America Bank in Lincoln and has two children, daughter Erin, age 10 and son Bryce, age 7.

Lisa Travis (Reams) - Lisa is married to Chris and they have two sons, Chase and Zachary.

Jack Keersmakers - Jack is married to Vicki (8 years) and works for Kassuba Builders. They don't have children yet, except for their 150 lb. rottweiler named Rueger. They recently moved back to Oscoda from California and are glad to be home.

Patrick Priebe - Pat was engaged at the time of the reunion, and works for Sweepsters in Dexter, MI. He graduated from ITT in 1989 and has lived in Ypsilanti since 1992.

Terri Theut (Liddle) - Terri has been married for over six years and is employed at Big Dave's. Although they don't have any children, they do have a golden retriever named Henry.

John Crowder - John is married to Kari and works for ITT Automotive. They have a daughter named Megan Ashley.

Kim Willson (Travis) - Kim is married and has two daughters. She works at Wiltse's Restaurant in Oscoda.

Greg Willie - Greg is married to Melissa and is an estimator for Mech. EQ. (HVAC). Greg also says he has a 15 hdcp in golf .... "take me on".

Darrell Hoffman - Darrell is married to Joyce (over 7 years) and they have two children, a son Robert and a daughter, Heather. Darrell works at Oscoda Home Center as a delivery person and also for the Township of Mikado as a firefighter and medical first responder. He also works for Alcona County as an ambulance attendant and with the U.S. Forest Service fighting fires in the area and out west. (whew!)

Jennifer Johnson (Pawloski) Jennifer has been married to Matt for over 5 years, they have two beautiful children, daughter Justine Nicole and Son Zachary Nelson who was named after her favorite teacher and father Mr. (Bud) Nelson Johnson. They live in a suburb of Detroit and have been blessed in their lives to all still be healthy and happy. Jenn's husband says "Jenn is one of the best people you'd ever want to know - trust me - I know.... I love her!

Anna Gashaw (Knowlton) - Anna is married and has three children. She is currently working as a bartender.

Don Jack - Don is married to Chirs and says he is employed. He also wrote that he has $300,000 plus up and coming in debt and no children that he knows of. He states he is still looking for hand outs..... ha ha

Cathy Lockhart (Ginter) - Cathy is married to Scott (since 1995). She works in the mental health field with consumers who move out into the community, helping them to maintain their housing and budget. They have recently moved back to Pennsylvania.

Jerry Moore - Jerry is married to Jill (over 7 years) and they have two daughters, Cayla and Paige. He works for Johnson Controls, an engineering company.

Jill Landry (Moore) - Jill works at Harper Hospital in Detroit as a special procedures technologist. She says that Jerry still wants to have a boy.... who knows?

Jon LaVack - Jon graduated from Northwood University in 1991 and soon opened one of the premier Mexican restaurants in Michigan. Working like a dog, he soon desired more. He moved to Africa and accepted a position as a safari guide and wild game hunter in Kenya. Yearing for a better life, he returned to the states and now writes adventure/myster novels, drinks a lot of beer and lives in a treehouse. He makes his home in northern Michigan. (Editors note: if you believe that, I have some swamp land in Arizona I'd like to sell you.....)

Anissa Hofstetter (Barcus) - Anissa is married to Matthew and they have a daughter named Daryl Jane. They have lived in Ohio since 1986.

Rob Martens - Rob earned a BS degree from Lake Superior State University in Business Administration and is currently working for the Sault St. Marie tribe of Chippewa Indians - computer department as a programmer/analyst.

Natalie Emmons (Biskner) Natalie has two daughters, Chelsea and Hilary. She says she doesn't need to work because she has a sugar daddy.

Jeff Ford - Jeff has been married for over six years to Holly. He is employed by Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. They have a daughter, Alyeia Jean and at the time of the reunion another daughter on the way. Jeff and Holly have been living in northern Kentucky for over 5 years.

Wendy McDougall - Wendy is a dental hygienist and says that Mr. Right hasn't chased her down yet.

Tammy LaCross (Hauer) - Tammy has been married to Chris for over four years. She is a middle school math teacher and coaches volleyball, basketball and softball. She has two stepdaughters, Jenny and Jessie. She is still actively involved in volleyball and softball.

Robert Ziegler - Robert has been married to Tonya for over six years. They have two children, a son and a daughter. He is an electronic engineer.

Pat Bonsole - Pat is a single white male seeking a female. (That's what he wrote..... really) He is an applications engineer for PPG Industries.

Paul Mayville - Paul is married to the most wonderful woman in the entire universe, Amanda Temple Mayville. He is a manager - a leader of men (and women), when they listen. He also writes that he wishes in the near future to win the lottery and travel with his wife to the ends of the Earth, and to Vegas.

Ann Lewis (Richards) - Ann is married and has a stepson named James. She is a supervisor with Wadsworth Hall at Michigan Tech.

Lindsey Hess (Reams) - Lindsey and Rodney have been married since August of 1991. They have a son, Andrew Jared (A.J.). She is employed with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as a program revitalization specialist for community relations and involvement.

Amy Maurer (Leshuk) - Amy is married to Terry. She is a high school teacher teaching health education, journalism and English. They have two sons, Brian and Trevor.

Gloria Hypes (Bunce) - Gloria is married to Jode and they have a daughter, Alexandria. She is a sales associate.

Connie Wallace (Przybylinski) - Connie is married to Guy and they have a son, Nathan. She is a homemaker.

Peter Platteborze - Peter is a research biochemist with the United States Army (CPT).

Joni Hutson - Joni is a nail technician in Florida.

Tina Charpie - Tina has two children, a son, Jessie and a daughter, Ashley.

Kevin Koenig - Kevin is married to Val. They have two children, Kayla and Nathan. He is a physical therapy technician.

Cindi Lyke (Cote') - Cindi is married to Bob and the have two children, Robbie and Mercedes. She is a housewife and her husband works for UPS as a fight simulator technician for the air group.

Traci Lee (Pieper) - Traci is married to Perry. She is an orhodontic assistant.

Shari Kratochvil (Chamberlain) - Shari is married to Mike. She is a director.

Ed Smith - Ed is married to Audra. They have a daughter named Courtney. He is a Merchant Marine.

Christine Wilfong - Chris is a human resources specialst and service clerk/cashier for Glen's Markets in the Upper Peninsula.

Amy Reinecke (Biesterfeld) - Amy is married to Bryan and graduated from UCLA with her masters degree. (Editors note: the address listed for Amy in Los Angeles is not current, she had written to me with an update and it got misplaced when I moved.... as soon as I find it, I will update it. - sorry!)

Steve Wilson - Steve is married to Beth and is a supervisor at a machine shop in Troy, Michigan.

Steve Franks - Steve is married to Cheryl and they have four children, Adam, Brooke, Andrew and Brandon. He is a welder.

Cheryl Parent (Franks) - (see above)

Cheri Janis (Walker) - Cheri married Carl and they have a daughter named Carly. She is a nurse for Medicare, a die hard "Wings" fan and says she hates Florida because there are "too many old people!"

Tom Lemcool - Tom is a student/server in New York.

Michelle Thompson (Arbour) - Michelle is married to Jeff and they have a daughter named Collen. She is the senior customer service representative at Old Kent Bank.

Stacey Shellenbarger (Chelf) - Stacey is married to Kevin and they have two daughters, Kelley and Jordyn. She is a medical secretary.

Missy Morgan (DeOrnellas) - Missy has two children, Courtney and Joshua. She works for Dr. Trombley in Oscoda as a billing clerk and medical assistant.

Kathryn Caron - I have two daughters, LeighAnne and Sheldon. I am currently employed by News-Press Publishing Co., Inc. (Oscoda Press/Iosco County News Herald). I am a graphics designer and camera technician... fancy words for typesetter and keyliner. I'm also the Head Cheerleading Coach for Tawas Area Schools. I know I'll get some grief for this but.... GO BRAVES! In my spare time (ha ha) I am also a bartender for the Tawas Area Elks.

Dan Pippin - Dan is married to Laura and they have two children, Amanda and McKinley. He is currently a special education teacher at Tawas High School. He is also their head football coach and wrestling coach. (Editors note: Tawas beat Oscoda last year... congratulations Dan!)

Brian Hobart - Owns a furniture and jewelry store in Traverse City currently putting on an addition. He also wrote that he owns a pink house(?) He has been married for a year and loves vacationing all over with Jackie. He still will not say what "Nuke the Whales" means.

Matt Maggard - Lives in Virginia employed by USA Remedial, asbestos removal project manager. He's still a Yankee fan. Has a girlfriend (for several years), Stacey.

Jeff Lamrock - Jeff and Jaque have two kids, Zach and Alex. He is (his words) the "Worshipful Master(Grand Puba) of Au Sable Lodge 243 F&AM." Jeff was in the Army from 87-91 (where he met Jaque in Colo.)

Keith Brown - He and Barb are expecting their first child.(Congratulations!) He is a die hard Wings fan.

Gloria Hypes (Buncee?) - Editor's spelling of her last name is shaky... sorry Glo. Gloria and her husband had a son on the same day of the reunion. (Congratulations!)

Rob Rudolph - Has a girlfriend Jean Hennigar, and is an electrician in the Ann Arbor area.

Linda Roseberry (Flowers)- Linda is married to Eric Roseberry who is a Master Sgt. in the USAF. They have two children: Jonathan, 9 and Ericka, 6. Linda is a homemaker for now. Her family has just returned from a four year tour of Japan and currently lives in Wichita, Kansas. They just purchased a home and plan on staying in the Wichita area. Although she no longer has family in the Oscoda area, she still considers it to be home. She told me "I really miss that small little town."

If your biography is missing, please send it to me! I have moved since the reunion
and seemed to have misplaced a box of reunion information... Thanks! Also, thank you to Jeff Lamrock for submitting more biographies. He tells me he will look for some pictures too.

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