These biographies were made possible from the information sheet that was filled out at the reunion. Also, for classmates that weren't able to make it to the reunion, information was gathered from the survey that was mailed out prior to the reunion.
If your biography isn't listed and you would like it to be, please email (or snail mail) me and I'll be sure to update it as soon as possible.
Biographies are listed in no particular order, if you are searching for a certain person, please use the search function on your browser. Enjoy!
Cheri Witkovsky (Mioduch) - Cheri is married to Dan Mioduch and they have two children, Kristen, age 6 and Kevin, age 2.
Dave Gilbert - Dave is married to LeAnn and they have two children, Jonathon, age 8 and Tyler, age 3. Dave is an electrical engineer for Yazaki EDS Engineering in Canton, MI.
Julie Fracassa (McRoy) - Julie is a stockbroker for Olde Discount Corp. and has a daughter, Elisha Nicole McRoy, who is 4 years old.
Chuck Conklin - Chuck is married to Regina (10 years) and works for DAS, a subcontractor of Nissan. Chuck and Regina have triplet daughters born in May of '93, Gabryelle, Shelbey and Delaney.
Tara Swanton - Tara is a dentist and is hoping to set up practice in the Oscoda area.
Mike Cherry - Mike works for EDS as a systems Engineer and has started a business training bird dogs.
Cheri Meier - Cheri is a science teacher at Lansing Everett High School, she is also the Assistant Athletic Director.
Richard Kutschman - Rich is married to Rowena and they have a daughter named Marena. He is a lieutenant in the United States Navy.
Tracey Wade - Tracey works in the claims department at Farm Bureau Insurance and is still bowling.
Jodie Richardson - Jodie is the Assistant Athletic Director for Mott Community College and teaches aerobics there also. She has three children, two daughters and a son.
Donald Kaiser - Don is employed at St. Joseph Hospital, Flint as a surgical scrub tech - open heart. He is also a part-time travel agent.
Beth Flowers (Salmon) - Beth is happily married with two daughters. She is an at-home mom and loves it. Beth wrote "I truly wish that I could have stayed with everyone and graduated with everyone, but I ended up with a diploma and a wonderful fulfilling life, so I guess God was there truly all the way for me, it was great to see everyone and finally feel accepted for who I really am!"
Renee Anderson (Haglund) - Renee' has been married to Ron for over 9½ years. She works for First of America Bank in Lincoln and has two children, daughter Erin, age 10 and son Bryce, age 7.
Lisa Travis (Reams) - Lisa is married to Chris and they have two sons, Chase and Zachary.
Jack Keersmakers - Jack is married to Vicki (8 years) and works for Kassuba Builders. They don't have children yet, except for their 150 lb. rottweiler named Rueger. They recently moved back to Oscoda from California and are glad to be home.
Patrick Priebe - Pat was engaged at the time of the reunion, and works for Sweepsters in Dexter, MI. He graduated from ITT in 1989 and has lived in Ypsilanti since 1992.
Terri Theut (Liddle) - Terri has been married for over six years and is employed at Big Dave's. Although they don't have any children, they do have a golden retriever named Henry.
John Crowder - John is married to Kari and works for ITT Automotive. They have a daughter named Megan Ashley.
Kim Willson (Travis) - Kim is married and has two daughters. She works at Wiltse's Restaurant in Oscoda.
Greg Willie - Greg is married to Melissa and is an estimator for Mech. EQ. (HVAC). Greg also says he has a 15 hdcp in golf .... "take me on".
Darrell Hoffman -